Altered Vision

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Altered Vision

*Crunch* Amaimon knew he was in trouble now.....

"You bastard!"

"I told you to friggin' move dumb ass."

"Yeah and why the hell would I ever listen to you, broccoli?"

"So your tail doesn't get stepped on."

"How about we have another fight and I can kick your sorry ass again, you seemed to be very interested in my powers ever since you first saw me.... or maybe you're interested in something else about me?"

"What are you trying to say douche-wad?"

At this point Mephisto finally decided to step in, using his umbrella, he wacked both the arguing teens on their heads signalling at them to shut up. The two boys both snapped their heads to face Mephisto, glaring at him.

"If only looks could kill..." Mephisto smirked, walking back and plonking himself down in the cushioned office chair where he continued to cross his legs that now rested on the top of the cluttered desk. Nudging the documents and pens that were strewn across the surface, he then took it upon himself to stare intently at the teenager who seemed to squirm under the intense watch of the school's headmaster.

Realising that taking the argument further in front of Mephisto would lead to worse consequences, Rin and Amaimon silently brooded upon the sofa they now shared; Rin nursing his sore tail and Amaimon silently sucking on one of the lollipops he had stolen from Mephisto's desk earlier that day. Neither of them spoke a word nor dared to move a muscle due to the heated glare they were receiving from Mephisto at that point.

As to why Rin and Amaimon were in the office in the first place was the work of Mephisto himself, he had ordered them there on 'important business' only to find that actually he had become extremely bored and decided it was time to show off his new Clannad kimono to the two manga fans that he knew of. The kimono was white with pink cherry blossom and chibi images of Fuki and her beloved carved starfish pasted all over, Amaimon was jealous to say the least especially when it looked like the one Mephisto stole off him a couple of months ago, an eye for an eye though.

"So, was there anything else you needed us for?" Rin muttered, hoping that the change of topic would ease the glare Mephisto still aimed at him and Amaimon.

Unexpectedly, the question drew a blank for Mephisto; "umm... nope, not really." Taken back by the statement, Rin glanced over at the other teen that was still situated on the couch next to him and was now shooting daggers into his brother's back, since Mephisto had began to stare aimlessly out of the large arch like window he was completely oblivious of Amaimon's deathly glare and Rin's confused glances.

A short and curt tapping on the window pane caught the three males' attention, hanging there in mid air was another demon. This one was small in size, coal coloured fur grew in clumps on its mangled body and singed black wings sprouted from its crippled back littered with tears; for its body mass, the wings did not look like they could support the flight of the creature yet it hovered there, peering in through the glass with scrunched up eyes pointing accusingly at Amaimon.

"Urgh that little bugger's back" Amaimon grumbled rolling his eyes.

"Now now little brother, it's probably only here to deliver a message from the Varden. There's no need for you to get your balls in a bunch over the matter.... if you have any that is."

With this, Amaimon rose from his seat, once again glaring at Mephisto. Every step closer he took to the grinning demon caused the low growling emerging from his throat to increase in ferocity and volume. Rin still sat there feeling highly uncomfortable with the whole situation, the need to flee the room growing stronger with each slowly passing second.

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