f i f t e e n

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A month has passed since I started staying on Katrin's couch. It's been the best month of my life so far. Katrin's one-bedroom apartment, which she proudly showed off after turning 18, has become more home for me than the other places I lived in. Additionally, her apartment's above a local boxing gym, where she would train me. As we've spent more time together, I've learned more about her past and why she left her family. Like me, she was a runaway. She was under pressure from the expectations that her parents had for her so she moved away as soon as possible. 'Can't be myself around them' was her reasoning. 

As I've become a part of the house I would always cook for the two of us since Katrin couldn't cook even if her life depended on it. She though would go shopping for the both of us, making it kinda even.

I never went outside unless at night. I didn't go to school anymore and I cut my hair, it was now a long bob cut. I thought about dyeing it but then again mama loved my hair color so much that I couldn't bring it over me to ruin the one thing my mother loved about my appearance. 

My brothers were a touchy subject. Even though they said they would send me away, they still haven't searched for me. I don't know why, maybe they did or they couldn't care less about me, but that didn't matter anymore. As long as I get my revenge I don't care what happens after.

So now, I'm in the cramped gym under her apartment. We both always head there as soon as the gym closes. The owner is close with Katrin so he would allow us to stay the night training there.

I lace up my boxing gloves, the familiar scent of leather and sweat filling my nostrils. Katrin gives me a nod of encouragement. "You got this, girl," she says, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of craziness and fun.

The only sound the soft thud of our gloves hitting the heavy bag. I take a deep breath, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline as I get ready to start.

Katrin's been training me for a month now, and I've come a long way since my first awkward attempts at throwing punches. She taught me how to move, how to slip and bob, and most importantly, how to believe in myself.

As we start our session, I focus on my technique, trying to perfect my jab-cross-hook combo. Katrin's always pushing me to be better, to push past my limits and find my own strength and with her wicked techniques. She might be  beyond crazy but I don't mind it. Quite frankly, I love it almost. She never seems to stop talking, which I again don't mind. Just like she doesn't mind me being mute. With each day that passes she becomes more like a big sister for me, which I didn't mind honestly.

We spend the next hour working on our footwork, practicing our defense, and going over drills. By the time we're done, I'm sweaty and exhausted, but exhilarated. There's nothing quite like the feeling of throwing punches and getting a workout in with Katrin.

As we finish up, Katrin ruffles my hair, a gesture that's become a familiar ritual for her, which she wouldn't stop doing, no matter how many times I try to tell her to stop as I hate being touched but she didn't care. Another thing I adored about her. "You're doing great, kiddo," she says. "Keep it up and you'll be unstoppable." her crazy smile never leaving.

I grin, feeling proud of myself.

"I'm dying for your delicious food right now..mhmm" 

Shaking my head at her attempt to make her food I grab my bag and make my way upstairs, she soon catches up and we head back together.

Entering the apartment, I nod and point to the bathroom again, trying to convey that I need to get in there first. Katrin shakes her head, a stubborn look on her face, "Nope, me first."

I try again, using a combination of gestures and facial expressions to convey my urgency. But Katrin is unmoved, "Don't forget, this is my apartment so I'm going first."

Shaking my head furiously at her, she suddenly spins around and heads towards the bathroom. I chase after her, trying to get in there first. We reach the bathroom door at the same time, and we both try to push our way inside.

The door creaks open, but neither of us can fit inside. We're stuck in a stalemate, each of us refusing to give up. 

Finally, Katrin manages to wriggle free and bursts into the bathroom, shutting the door in front of my face."Not today!" I hear her laughing at her victory. I'm left standing outside, feeling frustrated and annoyed.

I make my way to the living room, hoping that she'll come out soon. But Katrin takes her time, clearly enjoying it.

This is ridiculous. We're supposed to be friends, not rivals. 

She asked for it.

As soon as Katrin comes out from the bathroom and entering the living room, I'm already charging towards her, a mischievous glint in my eye. I leap at her, using my agility to dodge her attempts to swat me away.

"Hey that is not fair, I'm INNOOOCCEEEEENNNTTTT," Katrin screams and tries to defend herself. We tumble around the room, our movements a blur of energy and playfulness.

Katrin looks at me with a mixture of amusement and frustration, but she's not going to let me get the best of her.

We spin around the room, our "battle" becoming more and more intense. Katrin lands a few good hits, but I manage to dodge most of them. I counterattack with a flurry of kicks and punches, and Katrin stumbles backward.

Just when it looks like I'm about to gain the upper hand, Katrin recovers and launches a counterattack of her own. We crash together, our movements becoming more and more chaotic as we fight in a playful way.

In the end, it's just two friends having the time of their lives, lost in a world of playfulness and competition. We collapse on the floor, panting and laughing, our "battle" finally won.

"Shit Yawa. You're making me feel old," Katrin spoke up after some time.

Grabbing a pillow I simply threw it at her getting a grunt from her in exchange.

Just as Katrin was about to mimic my move, a loud banging echoed from the door. The sudden interruption made us both freeze, our eyes locking in surprise. The banging continued, growing louder and more insistent.

Katrin's gaze darted to me, her eyes wide with alarm. She mouthed a single word: "Hide."

I nodded silently, and Katrin quickly pointed the small storage room nearby. I scrambled to get there, darting into the room just as Katrin opened the door.

I held my breath, waiting and listening. The silence was oppressive, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was grateful for the hiding spot, and I remained still, waiting for whatever might happen next.



Fun fact about me: I built a mini gym in my basement.. my parents are clueless lol. We use it so me and my siblings can spare with each other...The day my parents notice it is the day where I shall be buried six feet under... 🧎‍♀️ 

Anyways! I love ice cream burgers.

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