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Minjeong was a smart kid, she was always so playful and happy. She made a lot of friends at school and all she wanted was to hangout with her dad and have fun. Unfortunately Minjeong's perfect life didn't last forever because one day on the way back from a soccer game with her dad she accidentally dropped her ball and ran after it without paying attention to the road until she saw headlight coming right towards her she felt something hit her but make her fall to the ground but the fall wasn't that bad.

She opened her eyes to a horrific scene, her dad was swimming in his blood, lifeless. He pushed her out of the way and he was hit by the car instead.

She ran to him and sat next to his cold body crying and screaming how sorry she was and she'll never ran in the road again if he just wakes up but her cries weren't going to bring her dad from the dead.

"D-dad..." Her voice cracked as she shook her father. He was gone...

The years that came after were a literal hell for Minjeong because her mother has changed for the worst, she's been drinking heavily and abusing her daughter physically and emotionally blaming her for her father's death.

Years of pure torture, as if god planned her father's death and made her life a joke because her name meant pure torture. And to make everything even worse, her mother was going crazy trying to reach her dead husband, she went to a witch who has written some phrases for her to say so she'd open a portal and she'll be able to talk and see him.

Minjeong didn't believe any of that but as long as that kept her mother busy from beating her she was fine. Little did she know, one wrong spell made Minjeong's mother make a decision that'll change Minjeong's life forever.

Minjeong's pov

"I told you to bring me something to drink didn't I?!" My mother yelled slapping me across the face making me fall to the floor, I was too weak to do anything.

"You're a fucking burden! I hate you! I wish you were dead and not him!"

She kicked me in the stomach and stomped up the stairs, I laid on the floor holding my aching stomach and just let the tears fall. I deserve this, I killed my father and I need to pay for that, that's why I'm not doing anything about her abuse. I slowly stood up and limped to my room to check on the new bruise.

I looked at it in the mirror and it wasn't that big this time, I can't say the same for the one that was on my face. I sighed and went to my bed and just tried to sleep the pain away.

I woke up to loud screaming and I jumped off the bed which was a very bad move since my bruise was fresh, I felt the wooden ground shake under my feet and I followed the screaming until I reached my mother's room. I pushed the door open and she was sitting in front of the wall rocking herself back and forth.

I stepped forward making a creaking sound and that made her stop screaming, she slowly span around and her face changed from petrified to hopeful.

She jumped towards me making me flinch but no hit came my way this time, instead her arms wrapped around my body in a hug and she just brushed my hair softly. I was confused at the sudden change and just stood there not saying anything.

"minjeong baby I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I didn't mean it I swear, I- I just miss your father so much, I was so scared... I'm sorry sweetie please forgive me" if this was her way of saying than I am not convinced, it sounded so fake and planned.

She held my hands shakily and kissed both my knuckles with a hopeful smile on her face, I didn't believe a word she said but I didn't want her to go back to hitting me. I gave her a small smile to make her think I was convinced with her words.

Her smiled changed from hopeful to an evil smirk and she gently pulled me to the spot where she was sitting when I first walked inside her room. I looked at her confused when she started mumbling things, I tried to yank my wrist away but she was holding me tight.

"M-mom?! What are you doing?!" I screamed at her, the chanting kept going louder and I felt like the room was getting windier by the second.

"So pure and naive minjeong , too bad that won't help you in the pits of hell" she smirked letting go of me, I grabbed my wrist where she was grabbing me and rubbed it. I gave her a confused look, this woman really lost her mind.

"If I want to see your father again, I'll need to sacrifice a pure soul to the devil and that soul will be yours. Good bye minjeong " Before I can say anything she screamed pushing me, I was waiting to hit the floor but I just kept on falling downwards. I guess this was the end, I cried and tried to reach for that small hole that I fell from but I couldn't I was falling at high speed and I was ready for impact. I closed my eyes and let myself go.

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