Chapter 52

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Slight smut 🔞

"Ahhhh! Kookie! B--big!" Seokjin kept on moaning as Jungkook kept on hitting his prostate.

"Try to keep still, baby, I am almost cumming." He said grunting as he kept on moving above him. Thrusts kept on getting faster and harder, too.

"Y--yes... ahhhh..."

Seokjin felt his eyes rolling as he came untouched once more, his second for the night. The cum exploded in between him and Jungkook, not caring about the stickiness.

Jungkook kept on giving him hard thrusts. He was not able to contain it anymore as he exploded inside Seokjin's warm hole that kept on squeezing his hard and big cock.

Jungkook collapsed on top of him as they both tried to cathch their breath.

"I love you, Jinnie." Jungkook whispered.

"I love you, too, Kookie." He answered.


"This place is so nice. How come we never walked around yesterday?" Seokjin said as they are walking around Malta.

Jungkook just looked at him, quite amaze how Seokjin forgot that he was the reason why they never had the chance to walk around the place. He just shook his head, not wanting to start a fight with Seokjin, since it's also their first day in Malta.

"Look! A bar is open at this time." Seokjin said and he pulled Jungkook towards the place.

"Hi, Mister! Me and my husband just got married two days ago." Seokjin said as he approached the old man who seemed to be waiting outside for customers.

"Really? Lovely couple indeed. That is nice. I hope you get to have a good life together. Are you perhaps about to drink?" The man asked.

"Yes!" Seokjin quickly answered.

"Come inside and I will personally serve you."

Jungkook was not able to answer as he was pulled by Seokjin inside the bar which was surprisingly quiet and have very few people, suits Jungkook's taste for a place to stay although it might be because of the time of the day.

"Let me make the two of you a drink." The man said as he approached the bar and let them sit. He went inside and prepared the drink behind the bar.

"I would want an ade only, Mister." Seokjin said and the man nodded.

Jungkook observed the juices and alcoholic drink used by the man and he appreciated that he is not making a much stronger drink for the both of them.

"Here are your drinks." The man said as he served the glasses to the couple.

"I think this one looks so nice. Thank you, Mister." Seokjin said.

"I made it extra sweet for you and your husband. You should celebrate your stay here with this welcome drink and it's on me." He said smiling at them. "I will leave the two of you here and will check on some customers." The man said and left the couple.

"Thank you! You are so kind!" Seokjin said to the man before he got far from them. The man smiled at them and showed a thumbs up.

"Shall we cheers?" Jungkook asked.

Seokjin looked at him and smiled.

They held their drinks up and said their cheers. "To our forever together as husbands." Seokjin said.

Jungkook felt something with the words Seokjin said and he happily repeated it as their glasses are together. "Forever Together as Husbands." He answered and they both smiled.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now