Chapter 1

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Hey readers! I know this seems like another Transformers Prime story, and it is. But it will be a story before the events of the series, and it will be a light hearted, cute story.

Dragons in this world will be known to humans, but thought to have died out or gone into hiding to the point where most people don't believe they exist. But they do, and both Agent Fowler and the autobot will find that out quite quickly after they get the go ahead to use the abandoned silo near Jasper, Nevada.

If you were curious, I kind of imagined this story a little while ago. No idea why, but just the thought of it made me laugh. Especially as I imagined up different scenes, and I had to write it. So I hope you all enjoy this story. Poor Ratchet will have to put up with a little dragon causing trouble throughout the base.

Arriving on Earth hasn't been as easy as Optimus had first thought. Knowing this world was full of intelligent beings, he made it his mission to remain disguised within this world so they could regroup and figure out the next move. As the battle on Cybertron was lost for the time being, Optimus managed to encourage a few remaining autobots to Earth with him to regroup and find someway to survive on this world. And it was a struggle at first.

But they managed to locate small sources of energon, which provided them the fuel they needed for a short time. But they needed somewhere to hide and create a base. They lacked materials, and they couldn't travel around the planet by the ground bridge due to not having one available. So they could only drive around in search of energon and place that they could home, and it was a frustrating experience.

It wasn't until Optimus had unintentionally met Special Agent William Fowler that things would change. At first, the man had thought that the autobots were a threat. But with a bit of time and explanation, the man learned to understand that the autobots were not here to fight and were seeking a safe harbor at this time. Fowler was not sure at first, but the autobots didn't really have any other reason to be on this planet, aside from needing somewhere to stay.

Optimus Prime explained in detail of how they got there, the destruction of their home and that they mean no harm. He did explain about the energon crystals that are present on this planet, and it is necessary for their fuel and technology. Agent Fowler did eventually believe the bot, and he had to inform his superiors, given he was a government agent. And he had to deal with his superiors potentially not believing him when he told them of the autobots, and offering to be the direct contact between the autobots and government.

It took quite a few weeks before there was an approval from Fowler's superiors, and they located a place that the autobots could harbor in. It was large enough for them to stay in, and they could modify it as they see fit, due to it no longer being used. But the location was near a small down in Nevada called Jasper, so the autobots had to be mindful of that fact. Though the location itself was far from the nearest energon deposit, so the autobots did have to gather enough to supply themselves with energon for the time being until they had a more effective means of gathering the necessary resource.

With the decision settled, Fowler flew to the location to meet the autobots in Jasper so he could show them the location. The autobots did not know what the place was originally used for, but if it was a place that they could use to take shelter and make plans, it was more than enough. And one of Ratchet's first projects will be a ground bridge, so they could travel around the world and harvest energon easily. It wouldn't be the first thing straight away, as a ground bridge needed power. And Ratchet wasn't about to rely on the electricity that the main grid was on for humans.

As the bots approach the coordinates given by Fowler, they were eager to see what might become their new home. They had been driving for a long time, and they felt the need to have a good, full recharge. Though it would be a little while before they would be able to do that. Especially as they would need to designate rooms and build berths for everyone to recharge on, and that will take a bit of time.

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