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....................Main Characters

_Lin Y/n


-height:175cm (let's dream)


has 2 sisters.

Her parents died.

Reason 'unkown for the moment '

born and raised in Zotikos Queendom.

Friends with the princesses.

Not a noble but definitely is a sugar baby

Tho she doesn't let them pay for her most of the time.

Just a messy little girl who's trying to survive

Kind, Dumb and Goofy but don't touch what belongs to her
(Coughs t.w.i.c.e.)


-Im Nayeon

-Im Nayeon

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-Type of bending/power: metal.
(She can shape, and form metal materials.)

-Weakness: being surrounded by non-metallic items/substances. And stress.


Princess of Zotikos Queendom.

Has a younger and an older brother

Personality wise
She's a mix of her brothers

Kinda narcissist (in a good way)

Another level of self-esteem (she ain't tripping tho)

Genuinely kind,curious, sweet and funny.
Just an ass to her crush and Tzuyu.

Is a living bunny, yet scared of her own kind

Pretty strong and skilled

Born to be the maknae

forced to be the oldest
(And a middle child back at home)


Spends too much time with Sana.

Kinda clicks with Jihyo's brother

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