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I was riding the bus peacefully as my peace was disrupted by an ongoing commotion

"You should give your seat to this old lady" said a beige haired girl to a blonde boy who just smirked, clearly having no intention of giving up his seat.

"Hey" I called out to the beige haired girl as she turned around.

"You know what? I got a great idea" I said as she tilted her head.

"How bout you shut that dumb mouth yours and let this old bitch wait until someone offer her a seat, sounds fair enough I guess?" I deadpanned as I saw a wicked grin on her face but she switched to her kind face almost immediately. I could tell that she was trying hard to not laugh like an idiot.

"H-how can you say that" she said unconvincingly.

"Just what you heard, now shut the fuck up" I said with a glare as she stopped and a timid girl gave her seat to the old lady, after a few minutes my stop came as I went out and stared at the school.

"Hey you, wait, why were you staring at me" asked a raven haired girl with an expression of disgust.

"You stopped me for that?" I asked

"Yes, something wrong?" She asked with a glare.

"Yes, your existence " I said as her frown deepened.

"Y-you......" she said as she took out a compass.

"I don't have time for the likes of you" I said as I went in, effortlessly dodging the compass she threw at me.
The entrance ceremony was so boring that it almost made me throw up but I still noticed a few things, the hints for a possible heirchary between classes and future battles.

Maybe this school is more than what meet the eyes.

I thought as I went to my class, class 1-D, basically the worst class if my theory is true.

I entered as I sat on my desk and observed my classmates.

Such a bunch of simpletons, they all think life is all sunshine and rainbows,

Soon a blonde boy stood up and proposed the idea of introductions to everyone.

Now this should be intresting, there were some faces who disagreed but before they could leave, I smacked the desk making a loud noise as they stopped in their tracks.

"How about you all sit here and let the class know your names and faces," I said with a glare as they immediately sat except a redhead.

He approached me as he grabbed me by the collar "huh? Who do you think you are?" He spat as I grabbed his hand and increased my grip until he was screaming.

"Do not do it again, actions have consequences and I am more than willing to teach you the consequences" I said with a apathetic tone and a glare.

After that everyone introduced themselves one by one.

Until it was my turn.

"I am kiyotaka Ayanokoji and I excel at almost everything, and from today, I will be the class leader" I said as I sat down

"Hey, who said that you get to decide that?" Asked a blonde girl who introduced herself as karuizawa.

"So? If you are better than me then you can prove it" I said as a cold sweat broke on her face.

"I-i mean there must be others" she retorted.

"They are also welcome to try and prove that they are any better" i said,

"What makes you think that you are better?" Asked my seatmate, Horikita.

"Let me show you then" I said as the teacher entered the class.

(She explained all the s system stuff. Ain't writting all'at, y'all prolly remember it more clearly than any anhs student)

"Does anyone have any question" she asked

"Do you?" I asked to my seatmate as she shrugged.

"No, the school is just way too lenient" she said, seriously tho?

"Dumbass" I said as I stood up,

"I have a question, no not a question but rather a theory," I said as all classmates gazes were on me.

"Continue" said chabashira sensei.

"You said we will recieve 100k point this month, you never mentioned anything about the next month and also you said that we will get evaluated by school and there are hidden camera in the class, what does it mean?" I said as her eyes widened.

"Hidden.......cameras?" My classmates muttered but they were not able to spot them but soon students like horikita, Matshushita and hirata spotted them.

I just smirked at chabashira sensei as I sat down "Don’t worry Sae sensei, I don’t have any intention to reveal the school's secret to these simpletons at the moment"

She smirked back "you are an intresting student," she said as she left before giving me a last glance.

"What do you mean by school's secrets ayanokoji kun?" Asked hirata as I shrugged.

"Who know?" I replied as I stood up but Horikita grabbed my wrist.

"Wait, what are you implying" she said as I removed my hand from her hold and gazed through her.

"Why don't you find it out for yourself, Mrs genius" I said as I left.

Before they were able to say something I entered again as I pointed at satou.

"Hey. You, maya, remove that dumb fucking sweater of yours, wear the classic school uniform, you think you are cute but I swear you are not, and with that dumb color you just look like an eyesore, dumbass you are never getting yourself a boyfreind like this," I said as I left.

After that I went to the convenience store and noticed a few other things, there was a commotion going on due to that redhead but being the saint I am, I of course paid for him,

(Ain't gonna write the baitting part, y'all prolly know it better than sudou)

I managed to get around 4,886,970 million points adding my points I have 4,986,970 private points right now.

I went to dorm as I simply lay down thinking about my experience so far.

This is all too easy for me

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