Chapter one:Meeting

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So before we start, this is MY imagination, so characters aren't going to be the exact same.
It was a normal day in trollstopia,exept, it was kingdom meeting day. Floyd was walking with his wife, queen Barb, "I don't see why we have to do these! They are pretty much useless, plus, my favorite knife is dull." He said frustrated
"Calm down!we can sharpen your knife later.And they aren't useless, they are actually worth something." She replied
Floyd blinked at that and replied with"what? Our time?" "Yes!" Barb said pleased. Floyd groaned, he hated these, especially talking,he'd much rather see his mouth shut, though, that wouldn't do anything, since he didn't have to use his mouth to talk.
"Listen," he said "all I'm saying is that they are dumb, and I wish we were anywhere else! Like a cool world where everything was like, 10x bigger than us!" As soon as those words left his mouth, him, his wife, his brothers, their wives, (Brandi is a troll in this universe btw) teleported inside of a backpack.
John Dory blinked"where are we?"suddenly, the bag opened."Guys..."the person said when she saw the trolls."you know how I'm, obsessed with trolls?"The person said to her friends. "Yes? What about it?" A female voice asked."Well,"the human Said,"look." She scooped them up and put them on the table."hi...."floyd said, clearly uncomfortable.Barb leaned over to him"Regret what you wished?"Floyd looked at her and said"Nah! I am soo happy."He replied sarcastically."I'm jade! Hi!"Said the original human."And this is Jax, Sam, Pam, kat, may, Ariel,
and Mary."she finished."nice to meet you!"poppy and viva said."where are we!"Branch said.
Sam replied"Sunshine high!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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