Video message 1

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Data entry: AppleBloom
Age: ?
Gender: female
Sanity: 50
Family: many but unknown if they are alive still
Location: Ponyville

Sweet apple acres

Applebloom pov:
It's been a while now.... I can barely remember if everypony is ok?...heck if my family are ok... what I saw nopony believes in me AJ, Twi, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and...well Pinky she kinda did they went to look for fluttershy and Ze... what ever that thing did to her * takes small sip of water* I started to believe that they would be ok, only Aj...and Rainbow... and pinky came back Rainbow was bit and sent to cloudsdale I saw was so much blood and they took her Sweetie belle asked AJ about it but my sister said was that she was gone and she staying with us.... We eventually did found her she didn't seem injured AJ made sure of it I don't know why but Rarity didn't came out of her home and she changed the locks...I have to get more supplies soon I have to be careful AJ always tells me that.... I just hope to reach the Sugarcube corner still have some flour Filthy Rich says we're all mad to go out.... I just have to have hope... If anypony out their please help us

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