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"Vi, you got them or do you want me to get them?" You nod to the other side of the bar. "Do you mind getting them, please? I have to grab more whiskey" Vivian informs. "Gotcha" You saunter over to the two men waiting to have a drink. "Hello, everyone's day been going well so far?" You smile at the two. "Wish I could say good but my buddy here just got his heart broken a couple of days ago" The brown-skinned man pats his friend's back. The light brunette nods in agreeance. "And you're just having a drink now? You're a strong man" You try to lighten the mood with a joke. His friend chuckles at the joke while he just gives you a small smile. The brown-skinned man is wearing a suit while his friend is wearing a brown leather jacket.

"Well, tell you what darlin', I don't normally do this but whatever you choose to drink I'll give you another free. Does that sound good to you?" You ask the sad man. "Yeah, that sounds nice thank you" He nods. You smile, "Now what would you gentlemen like to drink?". "We'll take two glasses of whiskey" His friend answers. "Comin' right up" You nod. Thankfully, Vivian refilled the whiskey by now so you can pour their drinks. Like you told the heartbroken man, you'd pour him a free drink so that's what you do. You walk toward the men with their glasses of whiskey. "Here you two go, enjoy" You smile at them before turning to walk away.

"The police are still looking for the suspects that robbed Fine and Frugal," The television on the wall behind you catches your attention. You remember that robbery happened a week ago. You've never gone to Fine and Frugal, nor do you plan to any time soon. "Crazy isn't it?" The man in the suit questions. You turn to him, "Yeah, didn't it happen a week ago? They're still looking for the suspects". "Unfortunately, we are. Haven't been able to get anything on them yet" He informs. "We?" You look between him and his friend. "I work for the FBI and my friend here is the manager of Fine and Frugal" He explains. Your eyes widen at his words. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you were a part of it, glad to see you're okay" You eye the manager. "It's not like they would do anything anyway" He mumbles, "Their guns were fake". He takes a sip of his whiskey in anger as you furrow your eyebrows, glancing at the FBI agent.

"Have you seen anyone come through here that might seem suspicious?" He questions. "No sir, not that I know of" You shake your head no. He hums, pulling something out of his pocket. "Have you seen someone that looks like the man in this picture?" He shows you a picture of a man with a buzzcut and an eagle tattoo. You stare at the photo for a second before answering, "No sir. If someone came here looking like that, I'm sure I'd remember". The FBI agent nods, putting the picture back inside his suit pocket, and pulls out a card, "Well, if you do come by my office and we'll have a chat". You take the offered card from his fingers, "Of course".

You walk away from the two, sticking his card in the pocket of your apron. "What was that all about?" Vivian whispers. "They're looking for someone and asked if I've ever seen them around," You tell her. "What did they look like?" She questions. "Buzzcut and neck tattoo" You inform. "Look around [Y/N], we have buzzcuts and neck tattoos all over," Vivian says. "But buzzcuts and a neck tattoo, come on, Vi," You sigh. "Okay, then what did the tattoo look like?" She pours a glass of fireball for a customer. "Um, a bald eagle? Spider?" You shrug. "Both sound hot" She hands the glass of fireball to a man. "Vi..!" You swat her arm. "What, you're telling me I'm wrong?" Vivian gives you a knowing look. You bite your lip, "Not entirely... But the FBI is looking for him". "Even hotter" She shrugs. "You really need to stop reading books" You roll your eyes at her before taking another customer order.


"Bye, Vi, see ya tomorrow" You wave goodbye. "Bye [N/N]," Vivian smiles. You feel your phone start to buzz in your hand as you exit Rolling Revels. "The hospital..?" Your eyebrows furrow. "Hello?" You bring your phone to your ear. "Hello, is this [Y/N] Lorenzo?" A lady's voice comes through the other end. "This is she..." You say. "I wanted to inform you about Maja Lorenzo. I'm looking at her file now and it says you're one of her emergency contacts" The lady says. You pause, panic rising within you, "I am. Is she okay? What happened?". "She was in a car accident and all her vitals are stable". "Can I see her?" You question. "Unfortunately, visiting hours are over but you can come between nine to five tomorrow" The lady informs. "Alright, I'll be there" You let out a shaky breath. "Okay, see you tomorrow, Ms. Lorenzo," The lady says before ending the call.

You sit in your car, "First the FBI, now Maja's in the hospital?". You find the FBI situation odd. Why was he having a drink with the manager of Fine and Frugal? Is that even professional? You shake your head to free yourself from any thoughts and start your car. You let it warm up before driving back to your apartment. First thing tomorrow, seeing Maja then Czar, your father.


So sorry about deleting the other version of Ruined but I didn't see the point in being friends with the trio if you were going to end up being away from them for almost the whole story.

So instead, I'm starting it off where you don't know who anyone is from the series until you meet them. For example, you met Boomer and Agent Turner in this chapter.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Thank you for reading! 🩶

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