Chapter 1: The mystic seller

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A man, woman, and child is a normal family. A man, man, and child, is a normal family. A woman, woman, and child, is a normal family. Two non-binary people and a child are a normal family.

This book, however, is not about a normal family, and certainly not a mortal one.

Parenthood is rewarding, especially when you’re doing it with the one you love. That's what The Lamb always thought, and so far, they were right. Narinder was actually not a bad father; however, for the first few months of having their kid, they didn’t know what to name them. They thought of tons of names, even hosted a competition for the cult to name them, but none stuck.

At least not till one night Narinder and The Lamb were taking their nightly walk. It helped them destress after a long day with the baby. Narinder looked up at the stars and laughed.

“What?” The Lamb asked with a smile.

“Look up…doesn’t that constellation kinda look like a baby?” Narinder asks.

The Lamb looks up and laughs too, “Yeah, it does. Look hon.” The Lamb lifts the baby up so they can look at the sky.

The baby giggles and claps their hands together. Narinder smiles, “I think I got a name for them..” he says.

The Lamb turns to him, “Really? What is it?”


The Lamb thinks about it, “Yeah..I think I like sounds..nice..”

So Night it was. What a stupid name. But that was years ago, and that baby isn’t a baby anymore.


“Hey Stellarus!” The Lamb yells.

“Hello infant god, how is the family?” The mystic seller asked.

The Lamb nodded, "Yes, indeed. Night is growing up so quickly. It feels like just yesterday we were naming them under the stars."

"That's nice, alright infant god, listen to me. There is something you must know," Stellarus says.

"Oh? What is it?" The Lamb asks.

"I just got word that there artifact that can bring back large groups of people back from the dead. And I think you would be interested in it," Stellarus explains.

"What do you mean? Why would I be interested in it?" The Lamb asks, tilting his head.

"It's powerful enough to bring a whole species back. You could bring the lambs back."

The Lamb's eyes widen, "I could...I could bring my family back!?"

"Yes, now you can't tell anyone I told you this. Keep this between us and use this artifact with responsibility. I will give you this map to get it." Stellarus raised their hand and snapped their finger, instantly a map spawned and lowered down to The Lamb.

The Lamb grabbed it and opened it up. There was an X at the top along with a dot that seemed to move when The Lamb walked.

"This map will track your location so you never get lost."

The Lamb smiled, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Please don't."

"Right, right, sorry. But thank you, so much!" The Lamb then ran off, happy as can be, waving their hands around excitedly.

"Resurgence," Narinder x The Lamb sequel.Where stories live. Discover now