Chapter 6

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When the bell finally rings after your fourth class, you and Yoora head to the cafeteria together. 

You couldn't wait to get away from Jungkook. He had been disturbing you the entire time during class . It took everything in you to not smack him in the face.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one in this school who hates him," you tell Yoora as you both wait in line for lunch. 

"I hate to break it to you, but almost everybody in this school is obsessed with him."

You look at Yoora, confused. "Jungkook is from a wealthy family, so even if he is an asshole, nobody really cares. Also he's the class topper so even the teachers have no complaints," Yoora explains.

"Coconut's the class topper? You have got to be kidding me."

"I wish I was."

"So what you're saying is, I'm all alone," you say pouting. 

"Well you got me bae. I've been having a grudge against him ever since sixth grade when he 'accidentally' destroyed my science project."

You sigh. "Seriously, like how do people even tolerate him? He's like the human version of period cramps."

You and Yoora look at each other and break into a fit of laughter.

You take the tray and move along the line. Right when you're about to get the food, a girl cuts the line and stands right in front of you. 

Annoyed, you snap your fingers to get her attention. "Excuse me, the line begins way over there," you say pointing to the end, "Feel free to go."

The girl raises her eyebrows and looks at you, not moving. Another girl appears at her side. 

"Yah, did this newbie just talk to me like that?" the girl asks her friend. 

You were about to talk back when Yoora whispers, "Don't."

"You should teach the newbie how things work around here Yoora." The girl says with a smirk and continues along the line. 

Yoora winces. You look at her. "I'll explain everything to you," she says.

You move along the line and get your lunch. Yoora finds a table. 

"Who is she and why does she act like some privileged bitch?" you ask as soon as you sit.

"Her name is Hana. And the girl who was next to her is Jiwon. Both of them are known to be bullies. Trust me, you do not want to get on their bad side."

The way Yoora spoke makes you think she knows exactly what it's like to be bullied. Memories of your old school comes to your mind. You know what it feels like too.

"And the teachers have no problem with her bullying?"

Yoora shakes her head. "Hana like Jungkook, is from a wealthy family. Her parents have made generous donations to the school over the years. So the teachers don't really stop her."

You sigh. Taking the chopsticks, you start eating your lunch. That's when you remember something.

"Wait, I just remembered. Today morning after I took my seat in class, I looked around and caught a few students staring. She was too. I specifically remember her because it looked like her eyes were trying to burn into my soul."

Yoora giggles. "That might be because you were sitting next to Jungkook. Another thing about Hana is that she's been crushing on Jungkook since like fourth grade. She hates seeing any girl three feet near him."

"Seriously? I mean what do people even see in him?"

Once you've both finished eating, you dispose the tray. Right when you're about to leave the cafeteria, someone holds your wrist, stopping you.

You turn to see Hana and her friend Jiwon. 

"You know, you're much better off having us as your friends," says Hana.

"What?" you ask, confused. 

Hana lets go of your hand. "It's best to be with people who are from a MUCH better background don't you think?" she says while looking at Yoora with disgust.

Yoora casts her eyes down. "It's okay Y/n, you can leave if that's what you want," Yoora mumbles under her breath. 

Hana smiles, satisfied. She then extends her hand towards you. "So what do you say?"

You feel anger bubbling up inside you. "No thanks, I'm good."

You catch the sudden change of expression in Hana, but you don't care. You grab Yoora's hand and head to your class without uttering another word.

"You'll regret you said that!" you hear a shrill voice, which must belong to Jiwon, yell behind you.

After reaching class, you decide not to ask Yoora anything about what Hana meant. Even if she was from a poor family, it didn't matter. You were from one too.

Yoora's eyes were still cast down. You want to help take her mind off things and while you think of ways to do that, you spot a pair of shoes near Jungkook's desk. 

"Hey Yoora, does Coconut play any sports?" you ask.

Surprised by your question, she replies, "Yeah he's the head of the basketball team. I think their practice starts from today."

A plan forms in your mind. You turn to face Yoora. 

"Do you still have your banana milk from the cafeteria?" Yoora had taken one bottle but you didn't. After the whole convenience store thingy, you didn't feel like drinking banana milk. 

"Yeah I do, why?"

"Because WE are going to get revenge."

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