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notes: I recommend you to read this chapter later and skip to chapter 1.

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Realistically, one would not choose a delinquent over a normie. Or vice versa in case they aren't giving so much trouble spicing their life.

And theoretically, one would want to be with someone who is having a lot of wealthy notes and possessions as their main asset.

While me, I rather choose someone fictional because they're way much better than those men in real life.

I speak from the experience field.

Okay enough of that kind of introduction for this story.

Then again, in front of my hot cup of vanilla chocolate, there are two students disrespectfully and shamelessly flirting without any care about their surroundings.

In their uniform, teasing each other with those ice cream is edging on melting under those sweltering burning Sun in the spring season.

The girl blushed after the boy teases her with a simple wink and smile graces upon his pure face. Maybe not really pure after the naughty remarks trying to get some reaction from the girl who is obviously reddened from head to toes.

Here I was too close to add another hand signature to puncture onto those two youngsters.

How shamelessly to act while there's a bunch of innocent and pure troupe of children in the playground.

Even the hot, fierce Sun gives so much heat and sweat in the mid of cold March season, it doesn't work to drive away the children creating a boisterous laugh in the playground.

I drive through a long trail of old past of myself while staring towards the couple not far from my seat on the bench under the shady tree.

Quite a memory stays, still keeping in my folder mind, enjoying the warm atmosphere in the middle of summer.

I swapped my gaze, lingering onto the bunch of children with a gentle curve upward shaping one of the children's lips. Sitting on the bench and leaning back on my arms, I catch one of the children along with her brightly grin waves to my direction.

Nothing could beat those innocent smiles plastering on her face.

Because those smile is the most treasured thing I had ever seen since she was born. Carrying for 9 months and giving birth five years ago, the girl is growing fine into the most adorable person I could ever wish for.

How fast times fly now. And I become a mother for two children now. Looking at the couple again, I shake my head blatantly to hide some part of envy about being their aged once again.

Unforeseen, a soft chuckles leaving past through my mouth unbelievably.

Once I was that girl wearing the school uniform. In different colors of course.

As if I'm gonna flush tomato sauce on my face just because an unknown boy tried to hit on me.

Because he will be the one on the floor with the real red and speaking of the real flesh of red after I hit him. By my slapping.

I was more like a rebellious teenage girl who tries her best to survive not to go down the staircase to the pit of Hell.

And I huff unjustifiably.

Thinking that was foolish of me when I was at the same age as that foolish couple.

Same as those lyrics, young dumb broke high school kids. 

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