15. Overwhelmed

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Rose squinted her eyes shut, debating whether to open them or not. She had messed up really bad this time but she cannot pretend to be unconscious forever, can she?

Kevin seemed to know her body way more than she ever expected from him. He was sitting beside her head all along in a quite attentive demeanour that surprised Rose. Sensing her consciousness, he gently helped Rose to gulp down some water, then he planted a soft kiss on her forehead and tucked the comforter up to her neck, enveloping her in warmth. Rose could feel, she was already out of her heavy gown and pieces of jewellery. As a comforting sensation washed over her, her eyelids grew heavy and she drifted back to sleep quietly.

A few hours back :

Kevin felt the weight of Rose on his shoulders suddenly. Being concerned he softly asked, "Rosalia?"

Without any word, Rose's knee buckled, she was about to fall down when Kevin caught her instinctively, her body limp in his arms. The microphone hit the floor with a thud amplifying the sounds of the shocking reactions of the crowd. The people present there gasped and their concerning alarm echoed through the room.

"Call the doctor. Fast" Kevin asked John in urgency. Cradling Rose in his arms, he tapped her cheeks lightly trying to render her consciousness. The room that moments ago was filled with joy was now plunged into a tense, urgent silence, only the sounds of hurried footsteps and panicked whispers could be heard.

In a hurry, Kevin carried Rose up the staircase to their bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. In the meantime, John quickly went to Kate's room and brought the doctor for Rose. There was a doctor on standby for Kate in the mansion. As the whole family would be indulged in the party down the hall, Kevin did not want his sister to be inconvenienced by any means.

Kevin was brushing away a strand of hair from Rose's face with his eyes never leaving her face when the doctor arrived. The doctor quickly checked her pulse, read her temperature and blood pressure.  After a few more minutes of examining, she assured Kevin that there was no medical emergency. Her blood pressure was low, she might have fainted due to weakness. 

Letting a sigh of relief, Kevin asked Daniel to assure and attend the guests on their behalf and wrap up the party as it was supposed to be. The doctor then administered fluids intravenously to raise her blood pressure and help her sleep better and then she called her assistant to draw Rose's blood and take it for running some quick necessary medical tests in her in-house laboratory.

"Doctor" Kevin addressed concernedly not looking at the doctor's direction when she came back after almost two hours. Not leaving Rose's side for a second, he was sitting beside her.

"She has conceived, Mr. Knight. Even though that's not the main reason behind her fainting. Her blood pressure was quite low and the hasty atmosphere of the evening didn't help either." The doctor said with a calm yet serious tone. A radiant smile broke across Kevin's features, finally getting what he was hoping to hear for the past few months even though the situation was not ideal. Holding both of his wife's hands within his own, he pressed soft, tender kisses upon them.

"It is a very critical and vulnerable phase. Any recklessness can lead to negative outcomes" The doctor further added with a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she witnessed the raw emotion flicker across Kevin's face.

"I understand" He nodded and assured the doctor with a voice filled with satisfaction and a heart swelled with overwhelming love for Rose.


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