~My Demon Husband~👿

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Let's continue..

The black cars stopped infront the Lakshwadeep airways..All the bordygayurds got down from the cars..the security in charge opened the gate of the white car..and then The Devil steps out of the car.. the man in white shirt with two buttons were left open, his messy hair, the hazel brown orbs which have dangerously turned black, his hands in the pocket of his black pants reaching upto his ankle, his black formal shoe...

The whole airport turned from buzzing to pin drop silence..Anubhav moved inside rolling his sleeves taking long strides followed by his bordygayurds...

One of the in charge of the airport came running to him..

'' sir do you need any favour'' the incharge said fear was visible in his voice..only then an announcement was made that the lakshwadeep to lucknow flight is about to fly..Anubhav looked at the speaker from were the sound came ..

'' stop the flight '' Anubhav said in his dangerous voice..the in charge looked at him for few seconds and ran to control room to stop the flight..Anubhav moved towards the flight..the airport police too followed him...

Haseena Malik Pov

''Huff'' finally I'm in the flight..I have took the last second seat ... I can't explain in words how it's feeling to going back to my place ,my country to my family, my duty..I missed them a lot.. I love them so much that I am feeling so excited to see them..

Running from the devil's den took my all strength..I love my husband a lot but what he did to me was wrong he killed choti maa without any reason..She was the one who loved me when ammi left me in this world alone..now I don't have my both mothers only because of that psycho Anubhav Singh my devil husband..who is just insane..he kept me away from everyone ..he kidnapped me..he blackmailed me.. he is a bloody murderer who took my peace away..

My thoughts broke when I heard the announcement that this flight is stopped..whyy..what happened..This flight should fly right now..because till now he would have got to know that I'm missing..my heart beat raced..why this flight is not flying...aghhhh.. ok haseena relax..I breathed in and out to control my heart beat and overthinking mind..I closed my eyes and leaned to seat to relax myself...Don't worry everything will be okay..I tried to think as positive as I can..

suddenly the buzzing flight went silent..I scrunched my brows and opened my eyes I saw everyone was looking in front...which made more confused..

My body tensed and all of sudden nausea hit me..

I sat straight followed the people gaze and looked in my front..

Ohhhhh shitt!!

The second I saw the person my heart fell in the pits of my stomach..goosebumps pimped all over my body..He was none another then My Demon Husband.. his hands were in his pocket his hair were massed up.. The moment I looked in his eyes my heart skipped a beat..His eyes were red anger and the rage in his eyes were clearly visible..my throat went dry..his anger is worst then anything ..
I still remember once when my team of mahila police station accidentally ate the alcoholic oranges..and we were doing rubbish in the thana..it was the first time I saw him angry..I was at verge of crying after his dangerous scolding And see now his anger is at the peak..

He started taking steps towards me ..I squirmed in my seat trying to get up so that I could run from here away from him but it seems as if my legs are frozen..

He snapped his fingers and the Inchage of airport almost came running to him from back..he was shivering in fear.

''Everyone out '' He said loud enough to make me flinch..my heart was jumping in my ribcage as if it will come out anytime..

The In charge looked around and quickly started emptying the plain..what?? How is this possible? Do he holds this much power??

Soon everyone was out leaving me alone with this beast..my heart was ready to jump out from my throat..I could hear my pulses..He started taking steps towards me .. his hands were fisted showing that his knuckles were white..I tried my best to move but all went in vain..God please save me ..In no Time he was was close to me and he sat next to me..he held my shoulder making me flinch he turned me towards him..my eyes developed tears..

'' why did you did this to me '' he asked in his dangerously low husky voice..he asked while cupping my chin in his index finger and thumb..  the anger was evident in his voice..The words were stuck in my throat..

'' I'm asking something. Why did you did this to me '' he shouted and pulled my face close by gripping my nape..my breath hitched ..I started shivering..no god please save me he will eat me raw ..his eyes were dark red..his veins on his neck and hands were clearly visible...I closed my eyes..

''Thik h yaha nahi bologi..good..I'll ask you at home in my ways ''he said standing up and held my wrist ready to drag me but I held his and and with all the courage I said

'' hame kahi nahi jana '' ..he glared at me..making my curl my foot fingers.. Ignoring me he started walking I too followed otherwise I will be dragged..

''Choro hame..hame nahi jana tumhare sath..choro'' I almost pleaded to him while trying to free my wrist from his hold..but instead of leaving my hand he tightened his hold..I started beating his back with my free hand .. repeating to leave me..Another second he turned to me and twisted the hand he was  holding at my back..pulling me to his hard chest..I looked up at his face..

'' shanti se chalo nahi to--''I cut hi. Off

''Nahi to..nahi to kya..ha kya karloge..dekho bahar police h..I'll scream and tell them that you are kidnapping me'' I said all of sudden my anger bursted..but nothing was visible on his and another second his smirked at me evily as if he is no threatened

'' let's make this kidnapping more real jaan'' he said pulling me more into him..

''Huhh??'' I was confused ..and the very next moment I was flying in the the air..ohh god he have lifted me on his shoulder by only holding the back of my knees..

''Anubhav niche utaro ..Anubhav Singh put me down '' I shouted hitting his back..but It all went in vein he didn't even hissed..he stepped out of the plain..I cept on hitting him..I saw some airport and police officers, the passengers, and his bordygayurds there .. I was crying and screaming for help but no one did anything..everyone was bowing there heads..All the way from plain to the car I was crying...I am stuck with this beast..please god please mercy me..I want to go out of this devils hold..I wanna kill myself..the fear of him is engulfing me ... ohh god please save me ....


So guys here's the another part of the story..I wrote the part because you guys asked for bonus which I unfortunately couldn't give sorry for that..

I am a irregular person..so giving updates regularly is out of my dabba 😁😅..
But today I tried and wrote this part..please share your feedback and please vote specially the silent readers..it's an humble request..but only do vote if you liked the chapter..


Love you all 👀💖

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