𝓤𝓹 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓴

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(EARLY A/N!!! guys i am so sorry for the super mega long hiatus!! i was hoping for at least a month at most, but then my laptop tragically snapped in half, so :((((( BUT NOW I CAN WRITE AGAIN!!! ty all so much for the comments yall have left in the meantime, they make me laugh and remember that this shouldnt be something to stress over, so again, thank you for reading :) enjoy the new chapter!! there absolutely will be more <33)

----- Y/N'S POV

I sit on the grass, staring off into the sunrise as I smile a bit. Despite everything that's happened so far, I'm actually having a lot of fun! Sure, there are a couple people I can name that aren't the BEST to be around, but mostly everyone is easy to get along with. I hope we win today's challenge, too. Y'know, I feel like so much time as passed, yet it's only been a couple days. It's strange how that works, huh? I stand up and walk away, hoping for a bright, easy day.


I sit with my team, sitting between Tyler and DJ. "Bass, Gophers, today's challenge gives you the true summer camp experience. A canoe trip! Both teams will be paddling their canoes to.." Chris points to an island not too far away, which is covered in mist, and looks.. kinda scary. "BONEY ISLAND!!! When you get there, you must portage your canoes from one side of the island to the other, which is about a two hour hike." Chris continues explaining, which makes Geoff raise his hand. "We gotta pour what??" He asks, which makes Chris sigh. "Portage." He clarifies, which still doesn't make a lot of sense. "..You have to take your canoe WITH you on the hike." Chris finally clarifies correctly this time. "Ohhh..."

"On the other side of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by yours truly. The more attention grabbing it is, the better it will be scored! Then, paddle back to the main island with your canoes. First to arrive is safe!" Chris finishes explaining. "Alright team, let's get a move on already. I trust we will win this time." Courtney stands up, her fist on her chest. I jump up as well, determined. "Yeah! Let's go Killer Bass!!" I raise my fist in the air. "Hold it." Chris stops us. "One last thing! Legend says, to never EVER take anything from the island, cause if you do.. you'll be CURSED!" He warns. "Creepy.." Tyler says, a bit nervous. 

"OoOo.. Terrifying. It's just an island covered in fog. Truly, what is the worse that can happen?" Noah asks rhetorically. "Lighten up! It's not everyday you get to explore a cursed island! WOO!!" Owen puts an arm around Noah's shoulder. I turn back to my team, and start walking with them to our assigned canoe. Tyler picks up a paddle, and looks at me. "Hey! Do you wanna help paddle? We could each take a side." I smile, nodding. "Hell yeah! Toss me one, I wanna see if I can catch it." I stand back a bit, keeping my hands open. He casually tosses it, and I barely catch it. "Yay!! I got it!!" I cheer. "Sick catch! That was super radical." Geoff says from the side. "Yeah, very cool, but we are about to run behind. Everyone is going to paddle, it'll bee too heavy for just two people." Courtney crosses her arms, grabbing a paddle herself. Bridgette follows, as well as everyone else. "Y/N! Wanna be canoeing partners?" She asks me. "Sure! We'll definitely win, I can feel it!" I agree. 



"Just follow my technique, okay? I'm, like, one 87th Cherokee, so I definitely know a lot about these here parts!" Izzy says, imitating a cowboy at the end of her sentence. "I'm DESPERATELY hoping you're right." Leshawna looks at her with concern. "We'll be alright.. I hope." Gwen sighs, grabbing a paddle. Trent looks at her and smiles a bit. "Hey, at least we have eachother, right?" Gwen smiles a bit. "Yeah, we do."


Gwen: ..Is it wrong that I imagined Y/N saying that, and it made me feel a lot better compared to Trent saying that? Sometimes I feel as if I'm leading him on or something.. Everything has been a bit confusing lately, and I don't know what to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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