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trigger warning ⚠️; mention of infertility!

Since the meeting with the Chinese was postponed, Jax had the opportunity to head home early

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Since the meeting with the Chinese was postponed, Jax had the opportunity to head home early. He knew that Abel was still in daycare for two more hours and Caitlin was still free today, so he decided to quickly get something to eat from the Italian restaurant around the corner, knowing it was Caitlin's favorite here in Charming.

Dismounting his bike, Jax got the two pizza boxes and another small box of salad, knowing that Caitlin loved this one, out of the side pocket of his bike and strolled inside.

"Babe, I'm home", he called out as he took the food into the kitchen and put it on the table. "I've got foodᅳ from your favorite Italian restaurant."

Jax frowned when he heard a muffled sob, definitely coming from his Old Lady. He immediately became worried that something might have happened, which is why he followed the stiffled sounds without wasting any time and pushed the door to their bedroom open.

Full of concern, he crossed the room and crouched down in front of Caitlin's side of the bed so that he was eye level with her before he pushed the blanket out of her face, the fabric already soaked with her tears.

At the sight of her wet face, mascara running down her cheeks and leaving dark circles under her eyes, as well as her bloodshot eyes and red nose that she was rubbing with the back of her hand, his stomach turned.

He couldn't remember ever seeing her so sad and upset.

"Babe, talk to me, please..", he demanded when Caitlin still didn't answer, the redhead still huffing and puffing. Jax gently placed a hand against her cheek, his thumb carefully wiping away some of the tears. "I need to know what happened."

"I'm fine", Caitlin choked out, followed by a heart-wrenching sniffle as she finally looked into Jax' piercing blue eyes, feeling a pang in her chest as she saw the sincere concern in them. "Really, I'm fineᅳ just a little sad, that's all."

"You're not fine." Jax told her to move. As Caitlin shuffled over, he lifted the covers and crawled into bed with her, not caring that he still wore his shoes. "And I want to know what's goin' on with my Old Lady."

Within seconds, Caitlin was in his arms, pulled against his chest where she buried her face, mumbling an apology as her tears soaked his white shirt before she took a deep breath.

"At the store..I saw a pregnant woman with a toddler already sitting on her hip." Her voice choked with tears, her vision blurred as well, her words were hard to understand. "I can usually keep my shit together, but today..she looked so happy, Jaxᅳ and I know I'll never have that, I'll never experience that myself", the redhead choked out with a sob, almost choking on a mixture of phlegm in her throat and her own tears. "And Abel will always be alone, without siblings."

"Shit, babe." A deep sigh left Jax' throat as he ran a hand over his face and cradled Caitlin closer to his chest. While he was relieved that no harm was done to her, he still felt deeply for the woman in his arms. If he had been more attentive, he probably would've noticed how much she was hurting inside. "I never knew you it was this bad."

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