Chapter 14: Happy Birthday!

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Author's note: I just wanted to say that I published a new story called One Piece x Murder Drones. Please check it out and enjoy this chapter.

One week after the Prom incident. 9pm E's POV

I get up from D's bed and I start jumping in joy and when I get to the living room. I see T and decoration saying Happy Birthday.

T: Happy Birthday E!

E: Thank you T.

T: Here's your present.

I grab the present from his hand and open it to see a Straw Hat.

T: I made myself, I hope you like it.

E: T, I love it.

I hug T and then we go out for a hunting trip and I wear my new straw hat.

Time skip



Me and T arrive at the pod after our hunt.

E: That was so much fun.

T: I know, you that one drone that was begging for mercy and we killed it.

E: Yeah, that felt good.

T: Just like old times.

E: Heh, like old times

E's mind: I wonder how the four are doing.

Brett's POV one week ago

I still can't believe E just left us and chose T over us.

Brett: He just left and told you three that he will be gone for a month.

N: Yep.

Brett: God.

N: wait I got an idea.

V: What is it N?

N: Remember that one time we had to stay on a exoplanet for a week.

V: Yeah and-

N: E loved his stay on Metal-15

V: Yeah we camped there for a week and E was like let's do this and do that.

N: Heh, E was something back then but now he's just a depressed dude who really only hangs with his Best Friend, T.

V: Yeah and what was your idea?

N: Me, you, Uzi, Brett, E and T all camp at camp 98.7


N: Please, for your boyfriend.

V: Ugh, fine.

Brett: I think it will be an amazing idea.

I then hear a crash and see Uzi with that same symbol that Doll had.

Brett: U-Uzi?

Uzi: I think I have those same abilities Doll has.

Uzi then grabs a table and levitates it.

Brett: How?

Uzi: Absolute Solver.

V: W-What.

Uzi: Yeah and-

V: Never mind.

N: So we gonna plan everything were going to do at the camp.

Uzi: Yes please.

Brett: Aw yeah.

N: and we'll go when E is done his "Vacation"

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now