Chapter 8

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You floated on the surface of something. It was cold. You guessed it was water. Your eyelashes damp as they fluttered open. In doing so you were pulled under quickly. Choking as tendrils wrapped around your arms and legs pulling you further down into the darkness.

You were spat out into a castle? Perfectly dry and dressed in elegant silks. You noticed immediately that you were human. You looked around for anyone or anything the castle seemed bare besides the fire torches. "Darling." You spun around to see a yellow eyed man approaching you in a black suit. "I'm sorry I seem to be lost." You stammer at the handsome man, his pepper black hair slicked back. Gray strands only instilled his attractiveness. "You're right where you need to be." Before you ears registered the gun fire, you felt each bullet hit you. In the chest, your sternum, your shoulders. "Your father morns you Y/n. He morns his family." You fall against the wall, your blood smothering the concrete. You watch the man stalk closer to you.

"The people in your guitar are filled with such agony." Terror rises in you as bursting red boils of magic manifest from him revealing your axe guitar. He held it by the neck as you choked on your own blood, wordlessly pleading. "You built it yourself no? Impressive." It broke under his hand and a cracked sob left you. He faked a look of sympathy before letting the broken junk fall. He came closer.

"They're using you." He didn't blink. Not once.

"Stop." You couldn't breathe. You were petrified. You couldn't breathe! "They want your power." Blood oozed from wounds staining your dress. Couch racked your body, painfully stabbing you. "Please." You gasped. You were so scared. "Help." It hurt to move. You trembled in pain, and he was inches away now. You couldn't breathe. God help you.

"Don't give it to them now darling." He touched your face, cupping your cheek. He purposely smeared blood across your bottom lip to your cheek with his gloved thumb. "Stop." You pleaded and he barked a laugh. "I'll tell Daddy you said hi." You felt your vision go black as the pain spiked all over your body.

"Y/n!" Vox shook you hard and you shot out of your sleep. You couldn't breathe. The pain was gone like it hadn't even been there. Air rushed in and out of your lungs too quickly for you to catch up. You chased oxygen as your eyes darted in the lime light of your room. Vox stood by your bedside, consoling you. "You need to breathe." You couldn't. "Vox." You cried, tears streamed down your cheeks, pooling and falling from your waterline. "Come're." Vox embraced you from the bed, pulling you and the sheets. "I felt it. I could feel it." Your hands tremble as he holds them. "Breathe sweetness. Listen to the sound of my voice." Vox pulled away slightly, tilting your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. Spirals were all you could see.

"Count with me." Vox echoed off the walls of your brain and you felt every inch of anxiety that tormented you dissolve. "One." You don't remember moving your lips. The sound that left them wasn't your own. "Two." He breathed with you, making sure you copied the pace. "Two."  You stared emptily at Vox's cyan eye spiral, electricity humming in your brain. "Three." Vox felt shivers run down him, he had you. Lungs no longer burning, you felt the world slowing. "Three." He smiled but you couldn't see it. Your whole world was the spiral. Vox made sure it was that way. "Four ." He bellowed deeply into your long, sensitive ears. They twitched in response, by Vox's surprise he recognized this sensitivity and would archive in it his memory files forever.

"Four." You felt slow, almost childish like you couldn't remember how to count and Vox was helping you. "Five." He cooed in your ear drums and you didn't resist the suggestion of letting go completely to Vox. "Five." Deeper you fell into this trance. Vox was supposed to release you now, your breathing had come down to normal and you were calm; but god he was enjoying this so much. "Six." Just saying the number knowing you'll repeat. "Six." It was orgasmic. "Seven." You were his. As long as he could keep you like this. "Seven." The electric humming only increased, blocking out all sound but Vox. It was like he was all around you.

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