Part-1 Lost In The Sky

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Today it's my first day of vacation and I'm super excited to visit basketball court as I love playing sports. I never get bored of playing games, so I reached there at 5pm where I do my paratice and I really enjoyed alot.
I was 15 when start playing basketball it was a common court where girls and boys do paratice together so there was a girl how is kind of egoistic and arogent when I first so her I got little bit attracted by her even any of us can easily attracted by the charm she have,she geniounly looks beautiful and I like to see her daily although as I say she have a kind of arogent nature so never talk to her however eventually within a year we start doing little bit conversation which is like,where is the basketball,can you please pass me the ball and so on.

Later there was a sudden change in her tone she start treating me that I don't have any self respect because the way she started poking me, taunting on silly things that create a huge boundary between us and after that I also don't like to talk to her. I start ignoring her but still whenever she gets a chance to disrespect me and that's very heart breaking because I never do this to her just because she is my senior she do this things to me.

I realized how emotionally Independent I am. I never like showing my vulnerable side to anyone. I wipe my own tears,heal my own wounds and keep it on myself because it is on one else responsibility to know what is going on with me. I always wanted to be loved, the way I love.

Then one day she went out for her tournament and for three months she didn't come to court and I waited for her every single day as my feelings for her is always getting stronger. I've never felt a feeling like this before

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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