Chapter I-The Dead And The Deceased

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The cold blood embarked on the monstrous creature had been burnt on the wound of itself.Causing it to let out a piercing scream.The Light Crescent shined in the beauty of death,defeat and torture.The dish of supremacy was not served,it was broken.The dark regions of the chamber where the creature sat was wet and cold.

‘’Die,you old scoundrel-’’The creature said,as it repeatedly shoved the shard into the side of his neck.

‘’Trying to kill yourself wont get you out of this place,Klaus.’’Said a deep voice coming from the other end of the chamber,’’we’ll be stuck in this repulsive place  till we’re nothing but bones.’’
‘’So you’ve accepted your faith?’’Said Klaus,placing down the shard of glass on the floor beside him.

The voice cackled to himself.
‘’Looks like I have.Slow deaths may be agonising but I’ll take it.’’
‘’Cassius,that is the most imbecilic thing I’ve heard coming from a phoenix’s mouth.’’Klaus remarked,’’Aren’t phoenixes the sharpest of creatures?What happened to you?’’

‘’I don’t know,Klaus.’’Cassius taunted innocently.
‘’I’ve heard about you.The things you’ve done with Princess Isla.’’

‘’I’m sorry,it's the things I’ve done to Princess Isla.’’Cassius corrected,while a smirk grew on his pale gaunt face.

‘’Is that why you’re in?’’Klaus asked.
‘’Mhm.She liked it.’’Cassius growled deeply,’’She didn’t want me here.’’
Silence filled the room.The fine light particles of the Crescent came through the small window on the upper side of the wall,being the only source of light.
The dark room fell silent.Cassius got to his feet,his hands were chained up behind his back.He took a sight of the outside.
‘’Look at all you want Cassius,we’re not seeing another day.’’Klaus added.
‘’Who’s we?’’
Klaus raised his eyebrow,annoyed by the conceited replies he had been saying.
‘’How cocky can you possibly be?’’Klaus uttered.
‘’I don’t know,how much more vitriolic can you possibly be?’’Cassius answered back.
Klaus was ready to throw hands at him directly.The anger dwells within  him boiled a large one.Too bad,his hands were chained up.
‘’You’re from Swornestine,aren’t you?’’
‘’I am.How’d you know?’’Klaus asked.
‘’I don’t talk Klaus,I observe.’’The deep voice continued.’’The sharp pointed teeth,pale skin-I think it's ridiculous to try to kill yourself when your immortal.’’
‘’Perhaps.That was the anger’s actions.’’Klaus replied.
‘’What are you in for?’’Cassius asked.
‘’I tried stealing the Eranstone,’’He answered.
‘’Bold.’’The deep voice muttered.
All felt silent for a moment.It started to pour down immensely.
The water touched the ground drip by drip,the scent of the rain with the wet soil flew across the Chamber window.The rain was coming in heavy showers.It pushed itself against the ground firmly and the dark skies were flooded with unseen clouds.The only light source was being covered and the Chamber became pitch dark again.

Klaus looked in bitter despair at the only small chamber window.
He cursed under his breath.He flicked back his messy jet  black hair from his face.His eyes pierced into the sudden darkness approaching from the deep voice.

Random words approached the deep voice’s fallen mind.The cowardice behaviour of Klaus amused him truly.
‘’What’s your story,Cassius?’’He asked.
‘’My what?Cassius was confused.
‘’Every commoner in Flamegroove has had a heck of a wounded past.’’Cassius belted out a cane of laughter,leaving Klaus completely confused.He looked at Klaus with an evil,wicked smile on his face.

‘’I’m no commoner Klaus,but you don’t have the right to know.’’
‘’Too afraid to share, are we?’The black hair man questioned tauntingly.
The Phoenix rose a smile of sarcasm on his face.
‘’Probably had a sappy story of being an orphan.’’The man hissed.
The deep voice growled a large one.With no answer to hit him back with,he kept his highly offensive words to himself.Cassius laid down on the cold hard floor to try and get himself some shut-eye.
He never felt so cold but his flame would reduce in such heavily brumal climate.
Klaus eventually got tired of sitting and barely having energy to stand up.He tried to doze off.He laid himself on the cold hard floor.The cold man shivered bitterly.The drastic vision and fantasy of not waking up the next day granted a smile on his pale face.The dish of ascendancy was smashed into pieces,which could not be picked up let alone mended.

It was broken,gone and disappeared.

Klaus had nothing to look forward to .All he could await was death.
He oddly admired death.The feeling of not having a dark view of the precious Dark Sun and glistening bright Light Crescent.
The downright idea of the beauty of death indulged him in a rabbit hole of questioning everything.His life,his existence,his immorality everything.Absolutely everything.

All day was terribly the same.He always wished for sudden mortality and deceased.This was one of the darkest ambitions he has ever had in the whole of his happy life.
While devastatingly pleading for mortality and death,Cassius laid serene time in Jail.They never got out of the four walls of iron bars.The only light source at night was of course the Light Crescent.
Cassius lived a frisky life in Jail.With no worries at all.He’d stay in a subtle dark corner of the Jail Cell and manifest.He cackled like an absolute maniac,the particular reason for this behaviour was that he was growing insane.

Gradually insane.Who wouldn’t?

As Cassius lost his sanity as steady as possible,the man lost his scrutiny of his own immortality.
Cassius started scratching on the walls,his eyes were red and widened open.Under them were deep black bags which was the result of him barely sleeping.

Klaus was left in his rightful misery of having mortality.The hopeless cold man never became a part of the Dead And The Deceased.

The strongest desires avenged Cassius' soul as Princess Isla came to take him as he was dismissed from Jail,leaving him all alone and miserable.
Cassius didn’t know how she did it but didn’t care to ask how she did it.

Klaus kept living with his misery,until he was deceased.Not really,he just stayed still in that same position he was in,he didn’t talk to other inmates nor did he eat the food he was given.

His eyes were soulless and his eye muscles didn’t seem to move at all.
Klaus became the Dead And The Deceased and no one knows how.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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