Chapter 24

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"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Marium yelled clawing at the bars. She was dehydrated, tired, and in need of the bathroom. The toilet didn't flush, she found that out the hard way. The monster of a shit she took still visible.

"I WANT OUT!" She continued screaming desperate for someone to come in just to tell her to shut up. "That bitch ass Rayyana, all cause of her." She said shaking her head and sitting down Elsa style.

"Have you broken down yet?" Marium turned her head to look at Ellie the servant. Marium didn't like her all that much because she taunted her for being in the jail cell.

"I'm going to strangle you." Ellie threw her hair behind her shoulder, showing her bald spots. "From where? Behind those bars?" Marium growled while Ellie chuckled, her fat bouncing as she walked closer towards the cell.

"I heard we have some guests..." she trailed off fingering the wall. Marium held herself, not turning around because she knew. She just knew, that the guests were her friends.

"Damn it." She muttered. Either they were dead, or they were going to join her soon. "They're a cute little bunch..especially that white skinny one."

Marium tried hard not to hurl at the way this bitch ass wannabe crying ass herpes how described her sister. "Shut the fuck up. What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, just wanted to let you know that there is no hope for you." Marium rolled her eyes, she already knew that. "Oh yeah and that guard..."

Marium got up and took a hold of Ellie's neck "do not talk about him that way." Marium has never felt such murderous rage before.

"My we have...a crush?" She said in between whizzes. Marium's eyes widened and she let go of her. What was she doing? She was mad at Valen right now...but that still didn't mean this whore ass wannabe slut with a gorrila up her ass could mention Valen's name.

He's mine she inwardly growled...wait what? She hesitated at this feeling she was getting. It was..satisfaction

She was horrified at this realization. She loved Valen...despite everything? She sighed and face palmed herself "why do I set myself up for failure every time?"

Ellie straightened up and said "Im going, but I'll be back soon to throw your friends here with you." She tauntingly waved and left the room, slamming the door behind her.


"Hold my hand." Rida said grabbing onto Fatima's hand since Gojo was far away from her. "Ew no! It's sweaty!" Fatima said trying to let go but Rida's grip was tight.

"The king has retreated and has made the decision to keep you all. How lucky!" Micheal said clapping his hands like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Let us go Micheal, we're not looking for trouble." Valen said glaring at Micheal. He was a huge distraction from his mission to save Marium, and therefor right now he just wanted to murder him.

"What's the fun in that Valen? Stay! Have some tea!" Valen rolled his eyes and reached for his sword, remembering when Marium had ridden he should focus!

But when he reached for it, he realized his sword was gone. "Oh right, sorry." Micheal patted his belt which held Valen's sword. Valen rutted forgetting that Micheal knew how to swipe shit.

"Where are we being kept?" Gojo asked stretching his long ass legs, his thighs on display. "Look away!" Rida said to Micheal who was drooling.

"Micheal's gay?" Fatima questioned out loud.. to that Gojo stood up straight "gay?" He said slowly. Micheal looked away "what? No!" But he said it squeaky so clearly he was.

Before any of them could do anything Gojo said "domain expansion." Everyone watched as Micheal raised an eyebrow but then started screaming, and then he started melting.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Valen said backing away. "I discriminate against the gay." Gojo said squinting his eyes through his blindfold.

Rida went closer to Fatima and whispered "do NOT tell him about Marium."

"MICHEAL! LETS SEIZE HIM!" A guard shouted, dozens of them barring forward and grabbing onto them. "Gojo do something!" But Gojo shook his head, slumping over.

"I'm weaker in this world than my world..I feel tired." Rida smiled at him "it's okay, you did good pookie." Gojo smirked back "thanks honey bun."

"Gag." Fatima whispered but Jean turned to her and said "we've done worse beautiful." Fatima blushed remembering the noises she made, and the way his thighs buckled-not the place to be wet.

"MOVE!" The guards said obviously disgusted. They were led to underground dungeons and forcefully shoved inside of it. All of them landed in a pile "Enjoy your stay!" The guard said smirking and closing the door.

"UGH!" Fatima growled but the guard just gave her a weird look before slamming the door close. "Great, another dungeon." Rida looked up at the ceiling and yelled "WHY RAYYANA??"

Fatima looked at her "why are you yelling Rayyana's name?" Rida shrugged.

"Up your ass..." they heard a chant. Everyone turned around to see Marium sitting, her nails scratching against the wall as her pants were low showing her crack.

She was chanting something repeatedly.

"Up your ass
Up your ass
Waffle up your ass..."

"Marium?" Valen said cautiously. Marium whipped her head around, showing her beard that had grown. "Oh my god." Jean said clutching onto his pearls.

"What the fuck is that in the toilet?"

Rayyana had thought the biggest witch in her life was Rumaisa. She was clearly wrong, as she sat across from an actual witch known as Grima mog.

Merlin was sitting on the table looking at Grima Mog as well who was clutching her stomach. "Sorry, I had Taco Bell for lunch." She cleared her throat and straightened up.

"Now..what can I do for you?" Rayyana took out the set of pearls and showed it to Grima Mog "I need to know whose pearls these are." Grima Mog hummed and reached out for them.

Merlin snatched it from Rayyana's hand, putting them next to him. "They're regular pearls, show us who they belong too." He said glaring at Grima Mog who looked sad now.

"Why would you snatch them from me?" Rayyana felt bad for her so she turned to Merlin "give her the pearls." Merlin rolled his eyes "she's going to steal them, honestly were you born this stupid?"

Rayyana took a sharp breath, Blushing out of embarrassment "you're just a cat-"

"A smarter cat than you. How does it feel to be so stupid?" Rayyana reached out towards him "I'm going to strangle you!" Grima Mog grabbed him before Rayyana could, licking her lips "cat soup sounds nice."

Rayyana's eyes widened, she grabbed Merlin tucking him safely "uh..just check out the pearls." Grima Mog inspected the pearls, slipping them into her pocket which made Merlin scratch Rayyana.

"These pearls belong to someone...powerful." Grima said closing her eyes. The crystal orb in front of her flowed as a blurry image started to appear.

"Yes..this person is very strong...and they can destroy the world if needed." Oh goodness, whose pearls did Rayyana steal?

"Ah! He's hot!" Ouu, maybe she should steal more from him. The image in the crystal orb started becoming clearer, Rayyana gasped putting a hand to her mouth.

"Would." Grima Mog said as the same time as Rayyana let out a cry in horror.


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