Chapter 1 (First Year)

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Wow. My dad just took me outside for the first time ever! Everything is so beautiful! I can't believe that they kept me locked up for my entire life. 

I guess that's because my uncle, Voldemort (weird name, I know), is a serial killer, and my parents don't want me to become a Death Eater. Yet. 

He apparently murdered some guy named James Potter, or something, and his son Harry Potter (who is my best friend), survived the Killing Curse. 

Also, I have a cousin named Delphi Lestrange. She's REALLY annoying. She always says that "I'm too little to be able to go outside.", and this is why I hate her. 

My mom, Lily Evans-Snape, almost married James Potter, but she remembered that my dad proposed to her, so she rejected him. My dad is a professor at Hogwarts. He can also be REALLY annoying, but we don't talk about that. 

In a few hours, I will be boarding the Hogwarts Express, and I will go to school for the first time. I really hope that I am put into Slytherin.  My parents say that I'm descended from Salazar Slytherin, but I don't believe them. 

Well back to my father. His name is Severus Snape. According to my friends, he has really oily hair, and he has a hooked nose. I don't really think that his hair is oily, but I have never felt his hair. It would be SO weird if I did. I mean, he is my father after all. 

Anyways. I have this really weird cousin, Draco Malfoy. He is really nice, but he keeps on going on about his crush on Harry Potter. 

I don't understand why he thinks that Harry is cute. I have met him, and honestly, he is kind of ugly. I'm not saying that to be mean, but when I went over to his house, his two godfathers, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, he looks like Sirius, and not James Potter. 

Harry used to live at his aunt's and uncle's house, but they were abusing him, so he ran away. He really does need to start packing. When I walk into his house, I enter and Sirius and Remus greet me warmly.

"Hey, Autumn. Harry was just asking if you could come over," said Sirius.

"I know. He told me in the letter he sent this morning," I say.

"Well. Maybe you can help him pack for school," said Remus.


I walk up stairs and hear Harry blasting Pitbull. I quietly knock on his door, and I see Harry looking at me. 

"Hi, Harry," I say.


I walk inside his room, and sit down on the floor.

"How are you? Are you excited?"

"Not really," says Harry.

I look around, and see pictures of his dad. I notice that his pillow is covered in water, and that his eyes are red. I walk over to him and hug him.

"I have some drama for you," I say.

"What is it?" he asks.

"So you know my cousin Draco Malfoy, right? Well, he has a HUGE crush on you," I quickly say.

Harry looks at me, and quickly starts muttering under his breath.

"Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono. Not him. NO!"

I quickly walk away from him, afraid that he will attack. Ever since he found out that James Potter died, he has become more violent than usual. 

Harry found out about a year ago, because Petunia was sleep talking, and she said that James Potter died when he was 20. I walk downstairs, and see Sirius reading the Daily Prophet.

"Um... Harry is getting a bit upset," I tell Sirius.

He quickly walks up the stairs, and I hear Harry yelling at him. I see Remus enter the kitchen.

"I think I should leave. Tell Harry and Sirius that I hope to see them later today," I say.

"I'm really sorry that this happened, Autumn. See you later. Hopefully," Remus says.

"It's ok. It's my fault. Bye."

"Bye," says Remus.

On the walk home, I see a black cat walking across the street. I  follow the cat, and soon I see it turn into a human. Wait wait wait. THE CAT WAS A HUMAN ALL ALONG? Ohhhhhhhhh. It's Professor McGonagall.

"Hi, Professor," I say.

She jumps, and turns around.

"Hello, Autumn. Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?" she asks.

"Yes. I really hope that I am put into Slytherin," I say.

"Well, I better go talk to Dumbledore. Goodbye, Autumn."

"Bye, Professor."


hi. this is my first story, so i might not publish every day. also, who thinks that harry and draco should be a thing? please comment, and please also vote. thanks. (please also read my story with my friends, We're Going to Hogwarts)

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