LX. Proposal.

19 3 0

4:30 p.m.
Under the Cherry Blossom.

Seungcheol stretched his body and opened his eyes. He wokeup to your beautiful face giving him a warm smile after a nap.
"Hey...!", you said.
"Did I fall asleep?", he asked.
"Umhm... for an hour and half."
"I slept good...", he yawned. "Because I was on your lap."
You laughed.

Seungcheol suddenly got up and checked the time.
"Oh wow! Perfect! Let's go, love!", he stood up and forwarded you his hand. You grabbed it and got up, closing the book you were reading.
"Oh wow...? Somewhere else now?", you asked, walking with him.
Seungcheol walked to the car both of you came in and took out something.
"Here, wear this! And get ready, sugar!", he forwarded, you took it and nodded.
"Hm... alright?"

You shrugged your shoulders and walked towards the villa which was nearby than the cottage. You got dressed and wore some makeup. Seungcheol walked in the room you were getting ready.

 Seungcheol walked in the room you were getting ready

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"Wow...", the male said.

You smiled, "Looking hot!", and complimented.
"Looking gorgeous!", he did too.
Both of you smiled as you interlocked your hand on his arm and walked out.

5:30 p.m.

Both of you arrived at the seaport, he opened the door for you and you stepped out.
"I see what we're doing, huh?", you said. He laughed.
"Now sweetheart, do you remember that specific cruise?", he asked, backhugging you.
You looked at the ship coming towards the port.

 You looked at the ship coming towards the port

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Your eyes sparkled due to the sunrays.
"Th-That... is...", you pointed.
"Yeah... the place where we met!", he said.
"Seungcheol...", you looked at him. He smiled. "I-Is it the same one? But... someone had taken it...?"
"Noone had taken it. It was with appa. I asked it from him.", Seungcheol explained. You closed your mouth.
"Thank you...!", you hugged him.
"Why thanks, baby?", he kissed your forehead. "Now let's go, yeah?"

You nodded and both of you walked in, it was literally the same.

"OMG!", you laughed. "Wait! THIS IS SO DAMN NOSTALGIC! AHHH!"
Seungcheol just watched you swirl and run around the place.
"And we're alone?", you asked. He nodded. "WOAHHH!"
You giggled when your voice echoed and 'Chemtrails over the Country Club' started playing.
Seungcheol walked to you and asked for your hand, you gave him your hand as both of you slowly danced on the center as the lights faded.
Both of you danced for a while.

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