1-Hope Amidst Treachery

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 Chapter 1

On the 30th of August 2090 I was given a mission to rescue a man named Ateeq from an organisation called the Monarchs. At that time there was a war going on between the Monarchs and the Rebellion, Ateeq was a member of the Rebellion. However, my leader, Captain Gerard , had sent him undercover for 4 years now to reveal all of the Monarch's strategies and resources that they had. Moreover, 2 days before that he said that he had gotten access to the main system of the Monarchs and he found something that could possibly alter the course of this war into our favour. Unfortunately, before he revealed it to us he was caught red-handed by two soldiers.

This is where captain Gerard called for my help. I had been working for the Rebellion for 9 years now and I climbed up the hierarchy making myself known as " Shadow." Even though I was the strongest of them all, I wouldn't be able to access the headquarters of the Monarchs alone, I needed help.Therefore, I assembled a team of the elites of the Rebellion to come join me for this mission.

My first member was a combat specialist, his code name was " Nphano," he had an incredible strength and physique which I would need a lot during this mission. The second member of my team was an expert in explosives, his code name was " Himiko," our plan was also to plant some explosives throughout the headquarters which would sabotage them quite a bit. Himiko also has 1 brother and 1 sister . Both of them spent their time during their childhood hacking into the most grandiose companies to steal their data. Their code names were " Killer4ever ,and Alpha ," they were essential as Ateeq was kept small room made of steel where the the only access was from a 20 mm thick steel door which could be unlocked by hacking into the server. Finally,my last two members was the finest assassin of the Rebellion , his code name was "Kiyoka," and "Senxt" who was a weapon specialist. With them my team was now complete, we named ourselves as the "Shadow Garden."

We left at 9 pm aboard our flying car and setted off at mach 6 to reach their headquarters as soon as possible.

At the entrance there were around 20 robots armed with Nemesis patrolling . Luckily for us , Alpha had brought some EMP grenades which were extremely effective against the robots as it would completely disrupt their internal circuit which would give us enough time to sneak in before they reboot. Once in, we separated into 2 teams of 3, Senxt , Alpha and Nphano went to the server room while Me, Killer4ever and Kiyoka searched around for the prison room where Ateeq was kept.

"Alpha we found him unlock the door, "

"Roger that Shadow , releasing the lock in 3, 2 , 1 ,"

"Shadow!!!!" he shouted


"You okay?" I asked.

"Still depressed but yeah i'm okay"

"Great, Shadow Garden we are leaving," I said

"STOP RIGHT THERE! " said a soldier

We started to run as fast as we could trying to escape the grasp of the soldiers. Ateeq however got caught by them . If we stopped running we would all get caught as they surpassed us greatly in number. He threw a usb to me and shouted "RUN SHADOW RUN!!!!!!" Refusing to let him go I tried to run back but I was sadly stopped by Nphano.

We had managed to escape seeing Ateeq being shot , putting an end to his life. Once we reached our home base I gave the usb to the captain and announced to him the unfortunate news, we were all deeply affected by this. I was saddened at the idea that I couldn't save him.....

But I do know one thing though, his sacrifice won't be in vain. We will be victorious .

Chapter 2

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