❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹Panic and Stress, oh Aint it the Best?

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Yolo just came up with this idea while doing c.ai rp and fun fact! Their filters are dead now so that's fun :D

Also title from Beetlejuice

I will say before we start, HEAVY HEAVY TRIGGER WARNINGS:

TW!!: Mentions of panic attacks, shock therapy, and slight mentions of blood

So yeah- just a short one since this is kinda a filler I get another oneshot done lol

Ok onto the fun-

(Clown's POV)

I sighed, looking at my reflection of my mask in the blade of the rapier. I huffed as I put the sword away, adjusting my mask to better cover my face.


That- who the fuck would message me?

I glanced at my communicator, humming as Redd spammed.

Early Fall 23rd | 17:56 | 14 new messages | 96%

Cunt: Clown
Cunt: Clown
Cunt: Clown
Cunt: Ckoen
Cunt: Vlown
Cunt: Clown
Cunt: Pierce
Cunt: pirce
Cunt: birch
Cunt: Why did it autocrecnt
Cunt: Clownpierce
Cunt: Clownpierce
Cunt: Vlownoerice
Cunt: Bitch bou
Whore: WHAT
Cunt: call now. Urgent
Whore: fuck you

Cunt started a call with Whore

"The fuck are you spamming me for, Redd?" I immediately yelled as him as soon as I joined the call. Almost instantly I got karma.

"I only spam you for a fucking good reason, you ass!" He has a point. I let him continue, only groaning. "You should know this by now. But besides the point, it's Branzy."

I jolted, getting up. "Coords?"

"Spawn, it's a pepsi." Redd responded. So panic attack, got it.

"Already on my way, is it just you?" I grabbed the plush bear thar sat on the nightstand of mine and Branzy's bed. I rushed out the door, the communicator to my ear.

I got glances from both Leo and Minute, I didn't even bother to return the look as I climbed up the ladder.

"No, Rek and Ash are here- and no Ash is NOT near Branzy." A faint snarl, and then Ash swearing at Redd. So he caused the pepsi, got it.

I sighed, pushing up the trapdoor to the base, barely kicking it down before I broke into a sprint towards spawn.

"Got it, on my way." I hung up the call before Redd could respond, and I clipped my comms to my belt. I bolted it, arriving to spawn in a mere five minutes.

I was greeted with Redd chewing up and spitting out Ashwagg (not literally), Ash arguing back horribly. Vitalasy was crouched down next to Branzy, who was shaking severely.

I strutted past the two arguing, smacking Ash upside the head in the process (which got a slur in my direction), before crouching down next to Branzy, waving Vitalasy away. A small crowd was forming, mainly Redd's team along with Parrot and Spoke.

Sighing, I set down the teddy, gently grabbing both of Branzy's hands (which were on his ears, not a good sign, meant he was hallucinating again). His eyes shot up at me, and he faltered, heaving a sob.

I was tackled, Branzy wrapping his arms around me as he pushed into me with a force that caused me to huff. I quickly held him back, my hands rubbing his back in circles.

"Hey.. Branzy. I'm here, you're okay, you're on Lifesteal, you're safe." I muttered into his shoulder, holding him close. He was trembling, holding onto me for dear life.

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