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The weight of Sky's text hung heavy. Melissa's journal resting in my hands like a ticking time bomb. The words on the pages seemed to dance before my eyes, painting a vivid picture of the danger lurking within the walls of Lumina Vista Hospital. I knew then that I had to protect him at all costs, even if it meant accepting the post of senior doctor, a position that had been recommended to me earlier.

But how could I possibly keep him safe without revealing the truth? The thought gnawed at me, a relentless ache in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't bear the idea of Sky being in danger, yet I couldn't bring myself to burden him with the weight of my fears.

As I waited by the restaurant where Stacy worked, my mind raced with a thousand different scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. When Sky finally arrived, I waved him over to our table, a sense of relief washing over me at the sight of his familiar face.

Introducing him to my friends should have been a joyous occasion, but the weight of Melissa's journal hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our gathering. Despite their warm welcomes, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me.

"You're cute as I thought, huh?" Stacy bantered as she brought food on our table. Sky couldn't help but smile. Mason interrupted her,"you know you're supposed to be praising me wifey." He said which irritated Stacy and we all laughed. But Sky seemed abit off. He was uncomfortable as I could read it from his face.

We excused ourselves telling them Sky wasn't feeling well he needed to rest.

Driving through the quiet streets, I couldn't bear the silence that hung between us like a heavy fog. "Why were you uncomfortable back there?" I finally asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Sky hesitated for a moment before responding, his words measured and careful. "Crowds make me uneasy," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "But I'll adjust. It's not a big deal, the day had also been abit busy, I'm sorry I embarrassed you"

"It's okay, sky I get you, no need to apologise I know they also get you. It was your first meet up, it was more than normal for it to be abit awkward."

I looked at him and hoped he'd be okay as he said But the weight of Melissa's journal pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket, choking the air from my lungs.

"I know it's rushed to ask this, but what's your full name?" I blurted out, desperate to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"Skyler Thompson, but I love it Sky" Sky replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "Such a cool name, right?"

I forced a laugh, the sound hollow and empty in the confines of the car. "Yeah, it is," I replied, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air.

Then it was confirmed he was Skyler Thompson. I couldn't help but sigh.

As we pulled up to our apartment building, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled over me like a shroud. Melissa's words echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond our doorstep.

We said our goodnights, the words feeling hollow and meaningless in the face of the uncertainty that lay ahead. As I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me, I couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that washed over me like a tidal wave.

"I think it really it," I whispered into the silence, the words heavy with the weight of the truth that lay between us. And as I settled into bed, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a broken record, each moment etched into my memory with painful clarity.


As I lay in bed, exhaustion draped over me like a heavy blanket. The steam from the shower still clung to my skin, mingling with the scent of soap and sweat. But despite the physical weariness, my mind was anything but calm.

Images from the night with Liam danced behind my closed eyelids, vivid and tantalizing. The memory of his hands on my body, his lips trailing fire across my skin, sent a surge of desire coursing through me, igniting a hunger that demanded to be sated.

With trembling hands, I reached for my phone, my fingers dancing over the screen as I navigated to a familiar website. The images that greeted me were raw and explicit, each one a tantalizing invitation to indulge in the darkest corners of my desires.

I bit my lip as I watched, my cock stirring to life beneath the fabric of my boxers. It pulsed with need, aching for release as I drank in the scenes playing out before me. But it wasn't enough I needed more, craved more.

With a desperate urgency, I stripped off my clothes, tossing them aside in a flurry of movement. Naked and exposed, I lay back on the bed, my cock standing proud and ready as I wrapped my hand around it, feeling the heat of my own arousal pulsing beneath my touch.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander, conjuring images of Liam and I together, tangled in a web of passion and lust. I imagined his body pressed against mine, the heat of his skin searing into mine as we moved together in perfect harmony.

My hand moved faster now, stroking my cock with a fervor born of desperation. I could feel the tension building, coiling tight in the pit of my stomach as pleasure surged through me like a tidal wave.

And then, with a guttural groan of ecstasy, I felt the dam inside me break, pleasure exploding through every nerve ending as I came hard, spilling my release across my chest in hot, sticky ropes.

I lay there panting, my body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure as I basked in the glow of release.

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