483 33 15

written : may 25th , 2024.

time : 8:30 pm



he was always there.

ensconced in his hoodie, diligently concealing his face to shield himself from the eager adoration of his fans. always habitually occupied a secluded corner in the cafe, engrossed in his thoughts, seeking solitude amidst the bustling environment.

yet, [name] possessed an intimate knowledge of his true identity; one that he seems to hide from the public eyes──he was a renowned soccer player, the one that captivated the hearts of countless admirers within and beyond national borders.

ITOSHI SAE was a creature of habit, consistently ordering the same items at the café; a perfectly crafted ice mocha and a slice of succulent red velvet cake. it always amused you that such a well-toned athlete had a predilection for sweets, despite the stereotype that athletes should strictly adhere to rigid diets. as a result, you had memorized his orders by now, so much so that the moment you caught sight of him from a distance, you would instantly get to work on his usual order.

today, he followed his customary routine, wearing a cap that masked much of his facial features. as he approached the counter, sae's tall stature loomed over you, eliciting a tilt of your head to maintain eye contact.

greeting him warmly, you announced, "good evening! welcome to Pompompurin's Perfect Pastry Place! what can i get for you today?" your café, affectionately known as PPPP Café by regulars, exuded an atmosphere of cozy charm.

the café had a minimalist design, adorned with decorative elements that reflected the whimsical charm of Pompompurin and its friends. despite the simplicity, the atmosphere exuded a warm aura, reminiscent of your little sister's favorite Sanrio characters. you marveled at how a famous celebrity like sae ── often surrounded by the limelight ── could willingly don a disguise to enjoy the tranquility of such a place, finding his actions to be cute.

sae responded shortly, "i'll get an iced mocha and a slice of red velvet." a smile graced your lips as you keyed in his order, affirming── "coming right up!" watching him head to his usual spot, tucked away in the corner, you observed how he remained engrossed in his surroundings, yet appeared lost in thought at times ─ seemingly indifferent to the world that surrounded him. he was simply in his own zone, unbothered by the café's activities.

you had grown familiar with sae's routine, knowing that he would arrive around 5 PM and depart by 6:15 PM. paying keen attention to the time it took to prepare his order, you had everything ready by ten minutes. approaching his table with a gentle smile gracing your features, you placed his order before him, "here's your order, sir. enjoy,"

sae maintained his usual reticence, responding with a silent nod. returning to your responsibilities, you watched him quietly eat his red velvet cake, his peaceful demeanor undisturbed by the café's daily activities.

perhaps you were too absorbed in your task, that you became easily startled when a sudden commotion outside the café interrupted your focus. glancing at the time, realization dawned that it was already 6:25 PM, but you were puzzled by the unusual disturbance near the glass windows. brushing aside the distraction, you refocused on your work, attempting not to let it disrupt your concentration.

however, your attention was drawn to the table where sae had been seated, only now realizing that he had fallen asleep ── seemingly having missed his usual departure time. as you glanced towards the glass window, your eyes widened in astonishment as you noticed a horde of excited fans amassing outside, squealing at the sight of their favorite soccer player napping peacefully.

well, it wasn't your place to intervene but you felt a responsibility as the café owner. sae is your regular customer and he trusted this café and you to keep his identity a secret; after all, he wanted to live a normal life too.

stepping out determinedly, you confronted sae's fans, asserting firmly that they should respect his privacy. "hello, please leave at once. im sure he doesn't want to be disturbed right now, you see." you tried to be as polite as possible. well, tried. because sae's fans were on a whole 'nother level.

mentioning potential reporting to his authorities if they continued their intrusive behavior, you warned them against taking unauthorized photos of the soccer player. that was quick to silence his defensive fans as they gradually left the café, grumbling curses under their breaths.

creepy and invasive, you found their actions utterly unacceptable. being a sae's fan does not give anyone the right to interrupt his peace, especially during his most vulnerable moments.

as you re-entered the café, an exhausted sigh slipped past your lips, and you gently rubbed your temples ─ feeling the stress of the day weighing down on you. recognizing your need for rest, you determinedly switched the sign on the café door from "open" to "closed," signaling the end of business hours for the evening.

you froze as a hand suddenly seized your forearm, halting your movements. turning to face the source, you found sae staring down at you, no longer asleep and his aura just sent a shiver down your spine. his tall stature towered over you, and his piercing gaze intensified your unease.

unsettled by the sudden intensity in Sae's demeanor, you swallowed nervously before mustering the courage to ask, "can i help you, sir?" sae's icy demeanor momentarily thawed as he responded with a note of genuine gratitude── "thank you for doing that," distinct from his usual monotone. he acknowledged, referring to your action in protecting his privacy from the swarming fans.

though taken aback, you quickly composed yourself and replied with a gracious smile, "of course! it's my responsibility to ensure your comfort while you're here." as sae hesitated for a moment, you wondered what he was about to say. however, he merely nodded in acknowledgment and announced his departure, saying, "i'll be leaving now."

his unexpected announcement left you puzzled, as sae didn't seem like the type to casually inform a stranger of his departure. despite the oddness of the situation, you watched him exit the café ── his handsome features still veiled by the cap and hoodie. the enigma of his behavior left you pondering for a moment.

indeed, today had turned out to be quite unexpected. you mused to yourself, taken aback by the unusual events that had unfolded. between the disturbance caused by sae's fans and his cryptic announcement before his departure, it had been a day filled with surprises.

 between the disturbance caused by sae's fans and his cryptic announcement before his departure, it had been a day filled with surprises

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just came into my mind when i wrote this
lmao . idk why but visualizing sae to be the
type to go to such a place is just endearing .



𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓.   itoshi sae ✓Where stories live. Discover now