12. A Betrayal

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♱ A Betrayal

   Marigold Fisher was situated somberly atop the kitchen counter.

The girl's fingers ran softly against the rim of an empty margarita glass (one of Belly's), aching for a drink, or even a joint to smoke. After the interaction with her father, she yearned for something to numb herself, even for just a moment. She doesn't know how she allowed herself to let in hope for once, to believe that her father might not be as bad as she thought. That perhaps he wouldn't be a prick.

But once again, he proved her wrong. Even though she craved that drink, Marigold refused to let her thoughts take over, reminding herself of Belly's current state.

Marigold isn't going to allow herself to lose control, she isn't going to allow anything to happen to Belly, not under her watch. She noted that all the parents were completely occupied with one another to take any notice of the world around them, and she took it upon herself to be there for the drunken girl.

Almost perfectly in sync, the Conklin women entered the kitchen, one carrying empty plates while the other handled two margaritas.

Without any notice to the Fisher girl, Laurel scoffs at her daughter. "Who said you could have a margarita?"

"Uh, Victoria," Belly trudges inside. Her mumbling and swaying made it quite clear that the practically full margaritas in her hand were not the only ones she'd been able to acquire throughout the day.

"Cake time!" Marigold's mother's voice rang out excitedly.

Laurel glanced over to the woman. Out of sight, Marigold softly and slowly plucked the drinks from the Conklin girl, offering a small smile which was happily returned.

The older Conklin shifted her attention over to Belly once again, a narrowed gaze landing on the girl, then the drinks that sat beside Marigold, then back to her daughter again. The drunken girl only innocently shrugged.

"What? It's cake time," Belly intertwined Marigold's and her fingers together, dragging the girl out of the kitchen. Their contact dispersed as they exited the house, and Marigold caught eyes with her father, who almost looked desperate to talk with her but she had no interest in such.

"Ooh, I want the piece with the strawberries!" Belly exclaimed. Before anyone could react, Belly was sent plummeting down the steps, toppling against Susannah as they fell to the steps, the cake landing in the pool.

Marigold gasped.

"Belly, are you okay?" Laurel exclaimed. Everyone frantically rushed to help, Marigold and Laurel ran toward Belly while Adam went straight for Susannah. Marigold checked Belly for any injuries before glancing over at her mother, watching as she hissed and waved away Adam. The younger Fisher girl watched as the man slowly backed away.

"God, just go away," Susannah mumbled angrily, dusting her hands off, and removing any shattered glass pieces from her skin.

"I'm sorry," Belly weakly apologized, feeling heavy guilt watch over her as she witnessed Susannah's expression. Marigold watched as her mother silently stood up, walking past everyone while Laurel got up behind the limping Fisher. "Mom?"

MOLTEN HEART          ♱ BELLY CONKLINWhere stories live. Discover now