17. The End

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"Niki! Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Niki said as he chuckled. Sunoo looked at the younger and couldn't do anything but smile brightly at his cute chuckled.

"Ok, now I'm curious!"

The younger brought Sunoo to his black motorcycle. Niki sat on the motorcycle, saw Sunoo still standing there like a status clueless and looked at him as he wore his helmet.

"Hyung, do you want to just stand and look at me or come here, sit, wear a helmet and give me a big hug from behind?" Niki asked with a soft voice while chuckling.

And after this Sunoo came to mind, walked to the younger and sat on the motorcycle an started wearing his helmet.

"If you wnat or not you have to held me tightly or you fall from the motorcycle while I'm driving."

"You can't force me to held you." Sunoo replied as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Whatever you want."

Niki whispered with a small smirk, moved the motorcycle and not even a second was left until Sunoo quickly grabbed Niki's waist tightly.

"Oops, my bad."

Niki said as he started to giggling. Sunoo gave the younger a punch on his back and so he started groaning.

"Owww." He groaned while putting his hand on the punch place.

"Well, oops! My bad." Sunoo mocked and grabbed Niki once again and that made Niki drive.

As they were on the way Sunoo on the other side was enjoying the view.
He watched the sunset with a small smile as his eyes lit up.


"Hmm?" Niki mumbled as he answered.

"What about the others actually?" Sunoo asked while still looking at the sunset.

"Well, I wrote to Heeseung hyung and jay hyung in our group chat where we are going and I think they already know that we are leaving." Niki replied and still focused on the ride.

Sunoo nodded and started closing his eyes, Niki could feel how the olders grip became a bit weaker.

As soon as they arrived, Niki slowly stood up while holding Sunoo in a piggyback.


Niki calls in a whisper voice, made the older slowly open his eyes.

As he opened his eyes, he started rubbing his eyes.

Sunoo's eyes widened as he saw the view. Niki brought him to his dream place, where Sunoo always wanted to go.

"How did you know that I always wanted to be here...?" Sunoo asked as he looked to Niki while jaw was still dropped.

"Well, I have my ways."

"Nishimura Riki."

"Uh...well, okay! As you can see, I'm a wanted criminal and a rich ass, and if I'm interested in someone, I'll...stalk them?"

"Oh my god..this kiddo.." Sunoo whispered to himself but Niki could clearly hear it.

"Hey! I'm not a minor anymore!" Niki said, while looking at the older with a discussion face and hands crossed.

"Bad hyung, boo~" Niki said and looked away, turned his face.

"Well, I'm that hyung that don't care if someone is mad or not!" Sunoo proudly pointed on himself with a proud smile.

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