Twenty-One: Caught You!

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"CAUGHT YOU!"———————————aka: when it gets heated or when Conrad's owes Cali $20

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aka: when it gets heated or
when Conrad's owes Cali $20

The late afternoon sun filtered through the dappled canopy of trees surrounding Bambi, casting a warm golden glow over the secluded spot. Cali smiled as she approached, the familiar setting instantly putting her at ease after her long poolside shift.

Conrad was already there, lounging back on the weathered wooden bench with one leg kicked out casually. At the sound of her footsteps, he glanced up and straightened, his expression melting into that lopsided smile that never failed to send tingles down her spine."You're here," he greeted, patting the space beside him in invitation.

"I wouldn't have stood you up," Cali replied easily, dropping down next to him with their shoulders brushing. Up close, she caught the earthy smell of Conrad's cologne mingling with the fresh outdoor air, a heady combination that was satisfying to her senses.

For a long moment, they sat in companionable silence, simply enjoying the peaceful respite from the chaos of the day. Cali tipped her head back, allowing the filtered sunrays to caress her face, "I can feel you watching me."

Conrad's low chuckle rumbled beside her, his eyes crinkled at the corners. "Can't help it," he replied immediately, admiring how perfectly the sun hit her face.

Before he could overthink it, Conrad shifted closer until their thighs pressed together from hip to knee.

Calista made no move to retreat. She lifted a hand to trace the sharp line of his jaw with a featherlight touch."I'm glad we figured this out," she murmured as their eyes locked onto each other.

The summer air thickened until it felt like attempting to breathe under the sea they sat by. Cali's pupils expanded, her gaze dropping momentarily to his parted lips before rejoining Conrad's eyes.

"Cal..." he rasped, voice gone husky and deep. With a subtle tilt of his head, he leaned fractionally closer, giving her another opportunity to retreat if she wanted. But all Calista could comprehend was the way her pulse accelerated and the look Conrad had in his eyes.

Then, all higher thought processes evaporated as Conrad closed the last hair's breadth of distance between them and captured her mouth with his.

Then, all higher thought processes evaporated as Conrad closed the last of any distance between them, capturing her mouth with his.

Cali's eyes fluttered shut on a soft sigh, every nerve ending alight as Conrad's lips moved against hers. His kiss started gentle but quickly banked into a sort of  intensity that stole her breath.

One large hand cradled the back of her head while the other found her waist, pulling her flush against the solid plane of his chest as they leaned back on the bench.

She shivered at the glancing brush of his tongue, instinctively parting her lips to deepen the kiss. The taste of him flooded her senses—rich and warm. Cali fisted her hands in the soft material of Conrad's shirt, clinging as the world became dizzying.

A low sound came from Conrad's throat as his kiss turned almost desperate. Cali readily matched his energy, and when they finally broke apart, it was only by mere inches, both of them panting harshly.

Cali's eyes fluttered open to find Conrad's dark gaze scorching into her, his pupils blown wide with undisguised want. His swollen lips curved in a dazed, wondering smile."Wow..." he breathed out, "missed that."

"Yeah," Cali agreed in a hushed murmur, feeling boneless. Warmth bloomed in Cali's cheeks, but she met his heavy-lidded gaze steadily.

Conrad's smile turned wry, one corner of his mouth tugging higher.

Calista laughed, rolling her head to meet his amused gaze and took the opportunity to really look at his face. The familiar smile he wore along with the natural angles of his face gave her a sense of security, but the longer she looked, the more she saw something more. Like an underlining sadness. "...What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" His smile turned confused, making Calista notice now how his eyes were missing the familiar crinkle at the corners.

She felt it wasn't the time, "Nothing."

Conrad didn't reply, instead wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "Thanks."

Calista closed her eyes as he held onto her, "...for what?"

He didn't reply.


"Shhh!" Calista whispered with a grin as she and Conrad lightly walked back into the beach house. Their laughter, muffled by their attempts to stay quiet, bounced softly off the walls.

"No," Conrad whispered, his voice low but animated. "I'm not touching a volleyball if we don't wear black."

Calista chuckled softly. "Hell no, black would have us sweating before we even start," she stopped in her tracks, "We're wearing that baby blue I showed you earlier."

As they continued their playful debate about the tournament colors, they didn't notice the two teens in the pool.

"What about—" Just as Calista was about to suggest another shade of blue as a compromise, she suddenly stopped, her eyes going wide.

"What?" Conrad's voice dropped to a whisper as he followed her gaze. His eyes followed hers and widened in astonishment.

In the shimmering pool, bathed in the soft glow of the lights, Jere and Belly were locked in a passionate kiss. The scene was so unexpected that both Calista and Conrad stood frozen, their earlier conversation completely forgotten.

"Damn," Cali finally murmured, her voice barely audible as a smirk took over her face.

Conrad shook his head slowly, clearly caught off guard. "Didn't see that coming."

Calista's brows raised at that statement, "then you're blind." She then raised her voice, projecting in the direction of the pair, "hey guys!"

Belly and Jere abruptly pulled apart, their faces flushing with embarrassment. The sudden interruption made Calista temped to burst out laughing, but she held it in, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"Caught you," Calista dragged out under her breath with a smirk, the moment. But when a conversation form the last summer filled her mind, she turned to Conrad, "that's twenty dollars."


any predictions, suggestions or comments? Love it? Don't like it? I would love to hear them and don't be a ghost reader!!

notes: it had been awhile lmao but hey I'm back

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