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The employees present there again started their gossips but interrupted when Naamjon shouted at them

Naamjon:" don't you have work other than gossiping? Go and do your works"

The employees flinched and went to their seats for their work.

The very next day

Inside the meeting hall

Jung kaisu, Jung Gomni, Kim Naamjon, Kim Seokjin, Lee yn and Kim Taehyung

Were present there

Kaisu:" Mr Kim I am really sorry for my daughter's deeds"

Taehyung:"what sorry? Mr Jung?  Don't you think she deserves a prize for her deeds?"

Yn was glaring at gomni and gomni has angrily put her head down.

They were talking only.

Taehyung:"listen Mr. Jung I just want to directly come to the conclusion is that.....as your daughter has dared to accuse my girlfriend in front of everyone even public

I an breaking the collaboration I did with you. Cause nothing in the world is more than my girlfriend for me.

Kaisu's and Gomni's eyes widened.

Kaisu:"n-! Mr Kim??"

He was cut off when taehyung stood up and fixed his coat

Kaisu:"no Mr. Kim you can't do this. This is a very important deal for both of us"

Taehyung:" I have told again and again I am telling you that nothing is more important than my girlfriend"

Taehyung then held yn's hand and dragged her out.

Kaisu went towards Gomni and slapped her across the face.

Soon after minutes or ten Gomni got arrested by the cops and it became such a big news on internet.

Now yn and taehyung were inside of the CEO cabin.

there yn and Taehyung were in silence....it was an awkward silence untill yn took a deep breath

Yn: " taehyung?"

Taehyung looked at her

Yn: "let's just come to the point. Did you told the words put there seriously? Or just to protect me!?"

Taehyung:" look yn, idk really what to do at that tine. It was a time when everyone was about to think negative. Gomni was the person who was behind all these. And as the matter is related top me, how could I leave you alone?"

yn:"and what about the marriage taehyung?"

Taehyung:"ahem...um will think about it later on."

Yn examined his face for a minute. But turned with a sign and leave the cabin.


***:" when's the meeting? Alex?"

A tall and muscular guy with black formal and neatly combed hair came holding a file.

Alex:" tomorrow noon."

*** smirked

***:"is everything ready?!"

Alex nodded. *** stood up and went out of the cabin laughing maniacly

Alex liked at his disappearing figure and thought

Alex:'pity on you taehyung. Your own dad wants to destroy you...forget about me then'

Really just think about this. Which father in the world wants to destroy his child unless its

Kim Beom-seok

And there's this Alex Arinto  blind with rage, jealousy and obsession.

God knows where this will end.

The very next day.....

Yn was coming Towards taehyung's cabin with his tea while cursing him.

And suddenly in the way she got bummed with a figure.
Thank God it was just a slight bump or else the tea would have fallen on her hands

Yn:" yaaah you got eyes or butto--

She got cut off when she look up at the person and found him too much familiar.

She wasn't able to see his face cause if his long hair

She was just facing his side profile. She wasn't able to see his face, she got to see his nose when he moved forward mumbling a sorry to her.

She kept looking at his disappearing figure until it get disappear.

she was deep in her thoughts when something clicked in her mind.

yn:"oh shit I have to give taehyung tea"

***:"thanks to god she didn't recognize me or else.....huh"

Inside of meeting hall

At noon

Taehyung:"miss Lee (yn) how much ewe have to wait!!!"

yn:" sir they are here only"

As she said after a minute or later the door of the meeting room opened and a figure entered inside.

The sounds of clicking heels could be heard

Taehyung stood up from his seat
And looked up to the figure. But but but this time the man was having a man bun coat hanging on his elbow.

Yn's eyes widened seeing the person and taehyung stood still not moving any singal inch of muscles

"How are you my friend..... Taehyungiee?"

Suddenly all the memories back then hit taehyung and his hands turned to a fist.


The rest...let's see in next chap.

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