33. 𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆.

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Y/n's Perspective -

He removed his palm from my eyes. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light. Everything around me is shining bright, like stars. All those red heart-shaped helium balloons are hanging in the air, with all those memories captured in pictures of me.

There is one of me going out with my friends on trips, going shopping, roaming around, and taking pictures. There are many more where I wasn't happy, even a picture of me as a small child - around 2 years old - sitting on a red chair wearing a green frock. This is all a part of my childhood.

My journey of life, every photo of me getting closer and closer to success with all my efforts. All those pictures hanging remind me of memories I almost forgot, some fading away from my mind.

Tears are already welled up in my eyes, feeling overwhelmed by all the happiness I have achieved in my life. Besides my parents, those hot tears rolled down my cheeks, making me feel so sick.

These mixed emotions are consuming me from within, he did... he did all of this just for me... He collected every picture of me from the beginning of my journey until today. Does he love me this much? Or am I merely engrossed in a tale that I will soon close, causing all of this to vanish as if it never occurred?

"Y/n, darling!", A voice cuts through the air like a sharp knife, my voice trembling as I answer, "Y..Yes?"

"Did you enjoy this?" he asks, cupping my face and gently wiping away my tears with his thumb. I sob and embrace him tightly, my lips quivering in an attempt to speak but no words escape.

"I...I did, so... so much... I love you, Jeon," I say with sobs in my trembling voice. He is no one but like my sweetest dream and the most enchanting fantasy.

"I love you more... And please, stop crying. You're causing me pain," he whispers, his voice smooth and sweet like honey. I sob and take a deep breath, trying to reign in my emotions.

"I have so many things for you," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness as he held my hand in a gentle grip, guiding me towards the small tent nestled beside the river. The water whispered sweet nothings as it caressed the shore, surrounded by the embrace of trees and shrubs that swayed in the soft glow of the twinkling lights, making me feel like the luckiest soul in the universe.

"Why did you plan all of this today?" I inquired, my tears gently wiped away by his caring touch. He chuckled and playfully pressed his finger against my forehead, replying, "Because today marks three months since we began this beautiful journey together."

"Really? It feels like three centuries with you by my side," I remarked with a playful pout. He furrowed his brow, teasingly asking, "Am I that boring to be with?"

"No, you're incredibly amazing," I responded, planting a tender kiss on his left cheek. He chuckled and guided me inside the tent, the interior resembling a magical theatre with a projector casting shadows in the dimly lit space.

Seated together on the plush black leather couch, he inserted a flash card into the projector before settling back beside me. With a click, the projector sprang to life, bathing the black curtains in a warm glow. I couldn't help but ask, "What is this enchanting surprise you have in store for me?"

"Something," he whispered as he handed me a glass of cola accompanied by some popcorn, "could this be the start of a movie?"

"Stop asking questions," he replied with a soft smile, "and simply let yourself be swept away." I pouted playfully and reclined on the couch, his hand resting gently on my thighs as he traced circles on my skin.

My heart skipped a beat as I glanced up at the screen, only to be met with a surprise. There we were, frozen in time, captured in a moment of pure love from when we first embarked on this journey together.

"Do you remember when you felt a twinge of jealousy towards lilies in my garden?" he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief. "How did you manage to acquire all these precious memories?"

"I gathered them from the cameras in our home," he murmured, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I could only gaze at him with a mixture of amusement and disbelief, until a certain phrase caught my attention.

"Pl.. Please fuvk me with your long slender fingers.."

I turned my gaze back to the screen, cheeks flushing with warmth as I relived that special moment. Despite the embarrassment that washed over me, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the intimacy we shared during our first truly passionate encounter.

I'm feeling so passion ablaze and the air felt so dense and sultry.

"See darling, how we bo-", Before he could continue, I gently silenced his lips and turned off the projector, "Such a tease," I whispered.

As I began to rise to depart, he instead pulled me close by my waist and guided me to the couch, his body close to mine, "I captured this moment on camera."

His face nuzzling against my abdomen stirring pleasure within me, I shivered at his every touch, his hands delicately exploring beneath my dress igniting warmth in my core.

"May I make love to you right here?" he murmured, his voice seductive and arousing, sending shivers through my entire being.

"Good girl, now part your legs," He commanded, and like a willing pet, I obliged, his laughter at my obedience filling the room as he teased my inner thighs, eliciting sweet moans from me.


- My apologies, my loves. This chapter is brief, and I know I am delayed in my updates, I was preoccupied with something, but now I am free to embellish this tale with numerous twists.

- kookie✨

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