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I watched as she left with Tracy, my blood was boiling. That guy just doesn't give up does he. What makes him think he can have what's mine. I'm the only man allowed to love her.

Fuck why does this bother me so much, I can't even properly confess my feelings for her without hurting her or threatening that selfish that I just expect her to take whatever I give her? Yeah I am. I can't let her go, I tried those years to forget her but i couldn't forget the first girl to smile at me with care and warmth, most girls avoided me a child but she kept trying to be my friend even when I hurt her and made fun of her.
How can I let a beautiful, sweet, loving and compassionate girl like that go? I can't and I won't. I won't lose her to some popular basketball player.

"What you gonna do Don?" Jonas asked me as he leaned up agaisnt the school walls, I saw my other friends approach me as they all stood waiting for my command. Our numbers were going everyday, even though Anais is my first priority I'm also growing my own organization so when I take over my fathers company I can have my men replace those old fucks he surround himself with.

When I'm king everything's gonna change and i will have Anais right there by my side.

"I'll show that pretty boy I'm not someone to mess with, tell Roxann to set up a private meeting with him. Im sure he will come because he use to date her. Then we will ambush him and I'll take care of the rest." I inform them, they all nodded and walked off, tomorrow i put it into action. He will learn, and I'll be sure to show Anais I ain't fucking around.

I looked at the time and realized i was late, fuck. Now im gonna have to hear my mother's mouth. I quickly went to my bike and got on roaring the engine and took off.


The sleepover with Tracy was fun, were we're now getting ready for school. She had brought a change of clothes with her. We watched movies, talked about school, our dreams and goals. I wanted to be a famous actress one day, be in movies on tv, be loved by the world....

I don't know if it will happen but I'll go to college for theatre and film acting.

I sat on my bed at the posters on my wall. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jayyon said. He really confessed to me, and it wasn't violent or harsh like Donovan's confession. They are two completely different men but my heart flutters when I'm with Donovan even though he scares me. With Jayyon i only feel it's right, like my mind is telling me to like him, why don't I like him the way I like Donovan? He's nicer, he's gentle.

Maybe I've gotten so use to the way Donovan treats me that Ive become comfortable with the way he treats me. Ugh what am I gonna do, I don't Jayyon to get hurt and I don't wanna hurt donovan by being around jayyon.

So many emotions.

"You ready?" Tracy asked me, I nodded and gave her smile grabbing my bag as went downstairs to my mom cars, my mom smiled.

"I hope you girls had fun last night, it's so nice to see my little baby finally have friends over" my mom smiles happy, I blush. "Besties forever?" Tracy held out her picky and I laughed wrapping my pinky round hers. "Forever" I said.
We all shared a laugh and headed to school.

Today will be a good day for me, I will make it a good day. I'll avoid both Jayyon and Donovan.


"Alright class take your seats, open your books we'll start with the civil war"

Many grunts and groans erupted throughout the class as every student was annoyed, I wasn't though, I liked learning and I was at the top of all my classes. As I turned the pages in my book I could feel someone staring at me, I knew it was Donovan burning holes through my head, he sat right next to me today since history class has double desk that were joint together, I wanted to sit with Tracy but before I could get up he had me trembling and to afraid to love from his presences.

"I hope you remember what I said yesterday." He was now close to me, I could feel his minty breath near my ear as I bite my lip trying to keep my composure. "Y-yes I remember, I won't go near him I swear" I told him. I felt him smile again my ear as he left a soft kiss on it "good girl" he whispered before sitting up in his desk to focus, I let out the breath I was holding.

This was our last class till lunch time, Donovan sticker to my side all day but I'm glad Tracy had my last two classes with me. She has basketball practice after school so she wouldn't be able to hangout later and that was okay I'll just go straight home.

After class was over I quickly rushed out to get away from Donovan, but I ran into someone almost falling but arms wrapped around me.

"I-I'm sorry" I apologize quickly, I looked up to see who I had bump into and it was none other than Jayyon.

"No I'm sorry, I should have watched were I was going. You okay?" He asked me as I'd let me go, I nodded taking a moment to relax but that didn't last long because I was snatch back into a hard chest, I whimpered a little.

"Keep it moving Green." I hear Donovan say, Jayyon looked at me than back at him and smirked, that seemed to piss Donovan off. "Cmon" he told me dragging me with him. I followed him.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to Donovan" I cried a little scared of what he was gonna do, he took to a blind spot within the school where there was no cameras, he pushed me up against the wall and got in my face.

"Did I say you did anything? Stop fucking cry right now." He grit out angry. It made me cry harder and I hear him let out a breath and suddenly his lips were on mine, he held me close but this time his embrace wasn't harsh it was gentle, I kissed him when his lip moved with mine softly as his hand held my jaw making me open my mouth more as he stuck his tongue in my mouth taking the air from me.

I could feel myself breath heavy breaths as we kissed and I put my hands up to his chest trying to breath and he suddenly let me.

"Have lunch with me today?" He asked me.

I wasn't expecting that.

"Okay" I whispered. It seemed he had calmed down, was it me that calmed him. He stood up straight and rubbed my cheek softly. "Why does every keep tryna take you from me, can't they just...go away" he actually sounded sad.

I held his arm as I leaned my head on his chest, I don't know why but my heart was telling me to comfort him, my mind telling me to run far away and never return.

"Donovan...don't hurt anyone please" I begged him, I felt him nod as his chin rested on my head. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

This is what I wanted from him, maybe I can change him.

"Promise me you will stay away from Jayyon green" he tells me. "I...I can't promise you that Donovan were bond to run into each other" I said.

His demeanor changed as he got angry again, he pushed me away from him my back hitting the wall a little, I looked up at him hurt.

"Than I'll make sure he does. You just signed his death certificate." He said menacingly, before I could say anything more he left me there, I have to warn Jayyon I can't let anyone get hurt because of me.

I have to find him.


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