So iT beGins...

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Margo pov
We had our wedding in the spring, as we all decided that it was not to hot and not to cold. When the glorious day came, I got overwhelmed with happiness and anxiety. This was the most amazing but stressful day ever, but it was all worth it.
I started to hear the classic, cheesy, old song they play when the bride walks down. "This is it!" I was thinking out loud, this wasn't the first time today.

The doors opened and I started walking down the aisle with my dad at my side. Why do they do this at weddings? Why does the father of the bride have to hook arms with the daughter he is about to "loose". As I thought that, the end of my dress got caught in my shoe. I didn't notice this until I was falling onto stiff carpet. In other words, I bruised my knee caps and elbows as those bones were the ones that "broke" my fall. After that the wedding went as usual in papertowns filled with paper houses and people. All was well. Yeah, it was great.

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