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31st August 1993

DAY before Y/N's first school year at Hogwarts felt like an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. Young girl was anxious, scared but excited at a same time.

Her trunk stood next to a front door, fully packed, yet her mother thought she didn't have enough things with her. Every five minutes Audrey questioned her daughter about something different. Clothes, books, quills, she even asked her daughter about condoms. When she did that Y/N shrieked "Mum!" with face red as beetroot and horror in her Y/E/C eyes. Brown haired woman only smiled innocently at her child and asked another question.

On the other hand Oscar had almost same expression as Y/H/C haired girl. He couldn't believe his own wife's words. His precious daughter having a boy near her when she's only fifteen? Definitely not. He still viewed her as a small girl with two pigtails, that loved playing with cards from Chocolate frogs.

Realisation hit him in evening when he watched as his daughter wore new school robes, looking at herself in the hallway mirror, making sure everything was perfect. He stepped behind her figure and with teary eyes gave her bone crushing hug. "I can't believe you grew up already, Y/N/N," he whispered into her braided hair, "you are going to Hogwarts. Remember no matter what house you're in, no matter your grades, me and your mum will be always proud of you."

This made younger girl cry too. She loved her parents dearly and she will miss them, but she was prepared for things her life had in his sleeves.
"Thank you, dad. You are the best parents I could ever ask for."

Oscar's tears escaped his eyes after her sentence. He gave her kiss on forehead and bid his good night with excuse he was tired. In reality he had to process all of feelings he had in the moment.

That left Audrey with Y/N alone. Y/H/C haired jumped to the couch next to her mother. She cuddled to her left side, her legs crossed on the cushions of beige flowery sofa.

"Mum? Do you think I will be in Gryffindor like you and my father?" asked girl hoping woman's answer will be yes. Mother looked at her daughter with corners of her mouth upwards and kindness in her dark irises. "Darling, I stand with your dad. It doesn't matter as long as you're happy. But in my honest opinion, I am sure you have everything that Gryffindor needs; you are brave, determined and kind. And of course stubborn."

Y/N smiled at words of her mother. She knew that long haired woman next to her was always right. "Thank you, mum, for everything."

"You are welcome, honey. How are you feeling? Tomorrow is your big day."

"Honestly, I am more scared of new people than of everything else. Not even Sirius Black scares me anymore after what you and dad told me. I believe you, you know?" answer Y/N truthfully. When the Daily Prophet wrote about run of "mass murderer" her parents told her whole story — the right story about what happened. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Wrongly framed man, whose family died the night James and Lilly Potter died.

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