Could Y/n possibly find him, Damian Wayne.... cute?

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The bell rang.

It was lunchtime.

"Soooooo, how'd your weekends go?" Sky said, taking a bite off her sandwich.

Eve swirled her chocolate milk with a dreamy sigh. "Relaxing," she declared.

Y/n, digging into a steaming bowl of spicy ramen, offered a more cryptic response. "Refreshing," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Really? What happened?" Eve said.

"I met a little bird the other night." Y/n said, smiling innocently

"Did you see what type?" James said drinking some water while Damian glanced at her.

Y/n's eyes twinkled as she hummed. "A robin," she revealed, setting down her bowl which made Damian flinch a bit. Y/n noticed but continued. "It was cute, actually. Makes you wonder what it would be like to..."

"To what?" Eve prompted, genuinely curious.

Y/n paused for dramatic effect, a sly grin creeping across her face. "Well," she finally said, "let's just say I gave it a little peck on the cheek." Damian felt a blush creeping up to his neck.

A collective "awww" erupted from the table, Sky practically swooning at the imagined scene. Y/n just hummed noncommittally continuing her ramen, enjoying the attention.

Eve, seemingly losing interest in Y/n's story, turned to James. "So James, did you have any exciting adventures this weekend?"

As the group shifted their focus to James' weekend exploits, Damian excused himself to the restroom, needing a moment to collect his thoughts. As he got up Y/n gave a quick glance before returning to the conversation.

Unbeknownst to Damian, a smirk crept up to her face guised by an innocent smile.

Splashing cold water on his face, the robin Y/n spoke of....

'Was me. She was talking about me.'

A blush crept up his neck.

'Does that mean...?' 

The thought hit him like a bolt of lightning. 

Could Y/n possibly find him, Damian Wayne.... cute? 

He quickly splashed his face again, trying to cool down the heat rising in his cheeks. With a deep breath, he composed himself and returned to the lunchroom, a new layer of intrigue swirling in his mind.

Chapter XIII | Could Y/n possibly find him, Damian Wayne.... cute?
Word count: 340

ROBIN. [ S1 complete and S2 in the making! ]Where stories live. Discover now