4 - Dante

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If Dante had any hope of falling asleep that night or even resting, he was sadly disappointed. She was in so much pain she couldn't sit still. That, he didn't resent. He couldn't. The pain of warmth permeating limbs that had begun to recede from the cold was unbearable. There was nothing the poor woman could do about that.

It took her about an hour to relax, maybe even falling asleep. But then she became restless, mumbling unintelligibly under her breath, panting slightly and stirring violently one way or the other. She then grunted loudly and sat up, looking around startled. Her eyes widened in terror for a moment as they found him, his large wolf form lying on the floor, her feet tucked in under his belly. When their eyes met, her body went limp and she calmed down. The bond did that.

She took a moment to get her bearings, looking as if she couldn't remember where she was in the first place.

He could find out exactly what she was thinking, exactly what had gotten her in that state. He could dive into her mind through their bond and know most of everything there was to know about her, if he really wanted to. But Scarlett wasn't aware of the bond they shared, not all of it. She must at least feel something wasn't normal, but it would be impossible for her to guess what. Humans wouldn't know about mate bonds, after all, and considering he had to take her home and she had to stay there for her own safety, it was better if she didn't know. As for him, with time and distance, this want would wear off, even if the longing remained.

His jaw clenched at the thought. He was aware, though, and that knowledge took almost all of his awareness. There was no explanation for what had happened. Werewolves didn't bond with humans. It was unheard of. It wasn't even something they discussed. Nobody boasted of wanting a human for a partner. And it wasn't as if all Werewolves could mate. Only alphas. Especially alphas who were close to the alpha prime. The higher in the food chain, the more likely to get a mate. That's the way it had always been. This was a complication no one could have foreseen.

If at least she was a wolf. It wouldn't have mattered if she had been from another clan, even if she had been Blackrunner. He would have claimed her as his mate and the bond itself would have explained-even justified-the killing of Marcus. The actions of a mate protecting another were pretty common and accounted for in their laws. That a mate would put their lives on the line for their partner was a given. There wouldn't even be a trial.

But she was human. Would they even believe him? They'd laugh at him as they slit her throat. And then what would he do? The separation would be hell for him, but it wouldn't be nearly as bad as trying to survive after she died.

The rest of the night had been split between him waking up concerned about what he would possibly tell the Alpha Prime about Marcus and how he would stop them from hunting Scarlett down, and waking up because of her fretting and tossing around. For a split second and his mind too asleep to consider the situation, he pitied her boyfriend.

Or her husband.

She was thirty, there was a considerable chance that she was married.

That thought had put a definite end to his sleep. The idea of another man laying hands on her made his eyes open wide and unable to close again. How would he ever find peace knowing someone else was touching her? A low grown trembled at the bottom of his throat and he readjusted his position, a spasm running through him, one that wanted to make him run into the mountains and keep going until he could stop the images that were now flooding his mind. Images of hands on her breasts and mouths on her stomach, tongues in places he didn't want to think about, her head bent back in pleasure.

Those places were his, his primal brain yelled at him. Those moans belonged to him and no one else. He growled.

'What's wrong?' her voice came low and sleepy, snapping him out of his waking nightmare.

A Queen of Alphas - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now