Chapter 1

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Jade's pov
I wish i understood why my world was lit on fire this summer...

When i found out that i would have to moved to Colorado in the forest i was mad a bit, moving wasn't on my bucket list this summer i was planning to hang out with my friends this whole summer before i had to start taking life a bit more serious.

On Saturday we started to pack before me and my brother, Jasper would have to move in with my aunt and uncle, Ash and Finn.

later that day we were heading to the airport and thats when i saw something just staring at me?.

It had long wings and it stood proud with its long fluffy tail behind him at least that what i thought i saw outta the corner of my eye but when i turned to look at it i didn't see anything.

At the airport i felt like everyone was staring at me which made me feel awkward but my family didn't look off or anything.

"oh I'm going to miss you guys" my mom said as she pulled my brother and me into a hug "I'm going to miss you too mom" i said a sad about leaving her behind for the summer.

On the plane i thought everything was normal until i seen a fox? walking and looking through the seats and when it noticed me it disappeared before my eyes.

I turned to look at Jasper "have you been seeing this shit too?" i whispered to him in a panic "yea just pretend you don't" he whispered back looking at little less tense.

The rest of the plane ride to Colorado was weird there was more people with wings, foxes, half human half horse things?, and other shit you wouldn't believe people tell you that they see and that whole ride i felt crazy.

The ride to my uncle's and aunt's place was crazy i saw things flying, wondering around, and disappearing and a-lot of them were so cute.

when we got to the house i didn't see anything unusual like the way here which was kinda nice.

inside the house my aunt pulled me into a hug, "oh my gosh its been too long my dear" she cried into my shoulder "Oh my gosh you're killing" i jokingly said as i hugged her back "oh and look it my baby Jasper" she said as she ran over to him "Hi auntie" Jasper said as he ran over to her and hugged her.

Later that night when we were getting settled into our room it felt off and i didn't understand why.

After hours of me and jasper talking and playing board games we ended up getting ready for bed and i couldn't go to sleep i wanted to go outside.

Hours of not sleeping i opened our window which lead to the rooftop so i climbed out and went ti sit on the.

Taking deep breaths as i climbed a little further, i'm deeply terrified of heights but i wanted to sit in the roof so when i finally got to the spot i wanted it was a relief.

After laying down and looking into the night stars and the moon, The moon and sun are so interesting to me, The burning blaze of the sun that gives us light to see and warmth to live and the moon, The moon brings coldness and very little light thats not even its own its the sun's light, and they rotate all the time the sun raise and the sun set are both so beautiful to look at, Then you have the stars that are so old but so beautiful.

After hours of thinking about the sky is when i fell asleep and i woke up to someone walking towards me "there you are" i heard jasper's voice then i sat up "sorry i couldn't sleep in the room" i told him as i rubbed my eyes "its okay i was having a hard time too" he told me as i sat and listened "what do you wanna do today?" Jasper asked me "Arcade?" i asked him "sure" he told me.

on the walk to the arcade i saw him again the person with the wings i could see him much more clearer but then he was gone and i ignored it.

At the arcade it was crazy there were so many games.

"wait jade i don't think you should ran around!" Jasper yelled at me "Shut up!" i yelled back then all then sudden i crashed into a person "oh my god i'm so sorry" i said as i got off them "its okay" i heard them say as i looked up and there was a beautiful olive skin, beautiful black curly hair, and beautiful hazel eyes i got lost in when i looked at her "oh my gosh I'm so sorry about my sister" i heard jasper say as he ran up to me and helped me up "its okay really" She said as she giggled "what your guys names?" i heard someone else asked i there realize was there "im Jasper and this is jade" Jasper told the guy by the beautiful lady, The guy had Beige skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes nothing special about him, and there was another guy by him He had a Nude skin tone, blonde hair, and dark blue eyes nothing special about him either, "Im Matt, this is Leo, and this is Mia" he said as he pointed to everyone.

After everyone met we were all hanging out especially Mia and me and i couldn't help not to stare at her shes so beautiful it didn't make sense to me i never met anyone who looked like her.

Hours of playing games we all decided that we should hang out at my aunt's and uncle's house.

When we got to the house my aunt and uncle were so happy that we made friends already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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