BroZones Downfall

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(this is way shorter than the meeting Clay and Viva part lol)

"One minute til' showtime!" The announcer shouted backstage as the crowd began chanting, "BroZone! BroZone! BroZone!"


"Alright, bros! I think we're gonna open with "Girl, Baby, Baby" and close with "Baby, Baby Girl." John Dory turned to his brothers as he held a paper and pencil. "Wait! No, that doesn't sound right! OOH! I got it, we can open with "Baby, Baby, Girl" and close with "Baby, Baby, Girl, Woman! Yes!" He dropped the pencil and paper on the table and turned back to his brothers. "We are going to make Boy Band history tonight."

"Ugh!" Spruce groaned as he counted his sit ups. "510, 511, 512, 513,"

John Dory pointed finger guns at him, "Love it brother! I wanna see a hundred more of those by showtime, Spruce! Those abs need to be poppin' Baby!"

"Oh come on!" Spruce replied, glaring at his older brother.

"God, i wanna boil an egg on those abs!"

[cut to Clay]

"John Dory, do I really have to keep wearing these things?!" Clay replied, pointing at his Perfect, Perfect, Perfect... "Funder-drawers."

"Yes, you do Clay! They're "Funder-drawers! It's underwear, but 76% more fun! Now, let's see those dance moves, brother!"

"Ugh! Fine!" Clay groaned as he began doing some of his iconic dance moves. "Rusty-Robot, into Wiggle-Worm, end on Caliente Puppy, yeah!"

Floyd walks up to John Dory.

"Bro, you look stressed. Breathe!" Floyd puts his hand on JD's shoulder and takes a deep breath, hinting for John to do the same.

"Well, of course i'm stressed, Floyd. It's the first show of the tour! We HAVE to hit the perfect family harmony! We promised the fans!" John snaps back, brushing Floyd's hand off.

"Okay, you need to calm down. You're making Baby Branch nervous!"

"What?! Nervous? No, no, no! He's not allowed to be nervous, he's gotta be perfect!" John starts walking fastly over to Baby Branch before getting stopped by Floyd who walked over to Branch himself.

"Cut him some slack John Dory. It's his first ever show."

"Come on, abs!" Spruce grunted as he did more push ups.

"Hey, Branch. How you feelin?" Floyd said, keeling down to Branch's level.

"I feel like i'm going to barf, and pass out, and-"

"-pee your pants, all at once?" Floyd finished his sentence.

"How'd you know?"

"Ah! You got the pre-show jitters, completely normal! Everyone gets them! Wanna know what I do when I get them?"

"Barf, pass out, and pee your pants?"

"Well, no. I remember that i'm with my brothers and that when we come together, there's nothing that can we cannot do!"

" one's ever hit the perfect family harmony before!... is it true it can really shatter diamonds?" Branch said with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah! It's THAT powerful!"

[Cut to JD gathering his brothers.]

"Alright, boys. Just remember, no matter what you do, follow my lead!" John said, looking at each individual brother.

"Orrrrr maybe... let's just go out there and have fun!" Floyd chimes in.

"It's just... so much pressure!" Clay replies, sounding on the verge of tears, barfing, passing out, AND peeing his pants. Well, in this case, Funder-Drawers.

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