Agent 011

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After fixing Red's PC, we all left the dorm and went back to our cars. Seeing Malik today really messed up my spirit a little bit, but I was able to get over it. I was afraid he was gonna hurt Barbie, so I had to step in some way. Cam and Davion had left already and I was waiting for Barbie to come by. She had to stop by the library to turn in her book. From the corner of my eye, I could see someone walking. I turned around and it was Jada. She smiled and waved at me. I looked to my other side and cursed. Why now?

"Hey, Dean,"


"What are you doing on campus? I didn't expect to see you here,"

"I was just finishing up a job here. A friend called we just fixed his computer,"

"I love me a smart guy," she smiled. "I was thinking—"

"I'm not interested,"


"I'm not interested,"

"Oh...okay. May I ask why?"

"I already have my eye on someone. Sorry,"

"Are you guys dating? Exclusively?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm not interested, Jada—"

"Dean. I see you met Jada," Barbie said, becoming irritated.

"This is who you're seeing?" She asks.

"Jada, I know your tricks. It's not gonna work. What happened with you and Malik?"

"Nothing. Malik and I are good,"

"Well, go and be good with him. Why is it that you go after every guy you lay eyes on? More specifically mine?"

"Malik was miserable and unhappy, okay? Besides, he do what he want and I do what I want. You could have done the same thing if you weren't so afraid,"

"I did do what I wanted, but I chose to be single to enjoy it more because he's a bitch and no good ass nigga and is nothing worth bragging about. So, all this shit you talking, I hope you're happy. Now, like he said, he's not interested. Move!"

Jada scuffed and walked away. I don't know what's wrong with that woman. Like what is the obsession with having all these people on her roster? It's never that serious.

"Please don't let that girl get to you. She's dangerous and she's bad news,"

"I already know. You ready to go?"


I opened the car door for her, but I felt a pair of eyes on staring me down. I looked in one direction and landed eyes with Malik. His face was emotionless and blank. I don't know what he was thinking, but I knew it wasn't good. I think he still might be on to Barbie, but he lost his woman. I shut the door and got into the front seat and immediately started the car. We were on our way back to my house since we spent the last couple hours at the campus.

It was her idea that we stayed and made cheese burgers. I was down. Hell, why not? I'm hungry anyway!

"I'm sorry about Malik," she said, fixing her food.

"You don't have to be sorry about him. He knew exactly what he was doing. You're better than that, Barbie. You don't have to take that, but I'm glad you got away,"

"Sometimes I feel like I didn't. He's still obsessed with me. After today it was obvious! I don't know what to do. He just won't drop it!"

"I'm here for you. You don't have to worry about him, okay? Me and the guys will look after you," I said.

"I don't need no one looking after me, Dean. I just want peace, you know? Besides, I'm happy I'm around you guys anyway and I'm content with how things are,"

"Good. Right now it's just me and you,"

"You're really sweet, Dean. This week has been really rough, but somehow I with you, everything seems calm," she smiled.

"Me? What about you? You've been keeping me company for the past week,"

"Maybe we're getting comfortable with each other. I think it's a good thing,"

"I am kind of opening up. I could get use to this,"


"Hey, I wanted to talk about the other night when you were here," I said, pushing my plate away.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Everything's fine, but...we almost kissed that night and I don't know if I made you uncomfortable or not. How did you feel?"

"Uh..." she paused. "It wasn't really awkward or weird. I guess it was unexpected and I kind of wasn't ready. But, don't worry too much about it. It's cool, we were the moment,"

"I thought you were gonna up and leave," I giggled. "I was nervous and fuck,"

"Nah, I wasn't gonna leave. And why do you wear that durag all the time?"


𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 ❥❦۵ (Agent00 Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now