The Bleached Arse

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Adam rolls over towards Liam and takes a big tired yawn
He sounds like a bear in heat.
"Good morning, kitten princess. How did my little girl sleep" Adam ask.
Liam's eyes flutter open to the sight of his masters presence, "good. I always sleep peacefully when I'm wrapped in the arms of my pretty boy"
Adam gives him a lustful smirk, "I want you in me. Right here. Right now. No lube. Deep."
He kisses his femboy on his juicy neck, replacing three hickeys from the night before. Sucking on his skin harder and harder, adam closes his eyes and focuses. Quiet moans escape Liam's lips. Adam stops and looks down upon Liam, his femboy, his puppet. "Can't take anymore? Are you weak?" Adam criticizes Liam. "NO MASTER!! I'll be a good boy I swear."
Adam bows his dead down, so his mouth is by Liam's ear.  His warm breath sends shivers down Liam's spine. "If you make one more noise, you're getting the paddle. Ten. Times."
The voices take over Liam as he grabs hold of Adam's luscious locks. adam flips him over effortlessly, as if he was the strongest boy in the world. Liam grabs hold of the bed frame, gripping on with all of his might. Adam teases Liam, by making circles continuously around his tight, throbbing, bleached, arsehole. He bleached it just for him, making it special, just for him. Then adam asks, " Is this all for me? Are you all mine?" Liam nods his head, but master isn't pleased. "SAY IT FEMBOY. OR ELSE.."
Liam is paralyzed in shock, 😳 why is daddy doing this?  Adam hollers at Alexa, the google assistant. "ALEXIA, play my little girls playlist. I can hear your thoughts Liam, and I'm not happy. I got my powers from the vape gods, Khloe, and Claude. I now have mind reading abilities, and my cock has increased in size. Infact, it's so whimsical, anyone who dare suck on it shall be blessed by the cock fairies. You don't want the paddle now do you?"  Liam quivers and shakes, like a stray dog. He complies like the good boy he is, and arches his back. Making his ass perk up in the air. Adam finally stops teasing, and slides his thick veiny member into Liam's petit arse. He thrusts in and out, until Liam's arsehole is raw. Adam's warm secretion fills Liam up, like a turkey on thanksgiving. Leaving red hand grips  on his ass, from how hard Adam was gripping onto them cheeks.

Stay tuned for chapter 2:
Ticklish Pubes, and The Leash

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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