The Sacrifice

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Voltron has been a favorite of mine since the 1980s. I have wanted to write for some time. This is my first fan fiction, so go easy on me, ok? I would like to thank the myriad of writers here who were able to take the characters in this series to some pretty interesting directions. I can only hope to do the same.

The Sacrifice is a story based off of "Give Me Your Princess". The beginning is the same as the original storyline. At the half-way point, I take it in a different direction. This story is KA friendly, with a smattering of citrus. There is also a little violence. Consider yourself warned.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer - I do not own Voltron, or its characters. This privilege is all World Event Productions (WEP).


Thousands of soldiers stand at attention outside of Castle Doom. Their new-found pride is palpable as they listen to their crowned prince, Lotor. His deep, authoritative voice echoes across the pavilion. Yurak is now dead. Once a valiant warrior of Doom, his failure to defeat Voltron was punished severely. He was turned into a robeast and sent to fight the mighty robot. In one short battle, he was cut down by the Blazing Sword in one swift stroke.

Lotor assigns the troops one mission... destroy Voltron! Cheers ring out amongst the soldiers as they run to the latest command ship. Will this be the time they finally win? Will they finally take over Arus?

As the ship blasts off, we see Lotor obsessing over Allura. Destroying Voltron will bring her to him. His greatest wish is to possess the current ruler of planet Arus.

Transitioning over to the planet Arus...

It is dawn. We see the silent footsteps of the ruler of Arus, Princess Allura. An interior monologue divulges her thoughts on training in the Black Lion. What happens if Keith can no longer fly? She needs to be trained in the Black Lion so they can always form Voltron and defeat their enemies. She is the crowned Princess of Arus, after all. This is the best way to protect her people.

As soon as she is lifted into Black Lion's cabin, the other four members of the Voltron force run into the control center of Castle Arus. Lotor's ship has been picked up on the scanners, and it is time to go into action.

"Black Lion, ready for action." is announced over the radio by the Princess. Keith is stunned. "Allura, what are you doing with my lion?". "I'm doing just what my father, King Alfor would have done." Keith decides to let cooler heads prevail and agrees to fly Blue Lion for the time being.

Lotor sets up for the attack. He is looking forward to destroying the lions and getting the princess.

The five mighty lions launch, ready to defend Arus. As a team, they begin to destroy Lotor's warships. We cut to the Princess in the Black Lion. Seeing a group of ships ahead, she attempts to launch missiles. Unfortunately, the Black Lion refuses to respond. All of the controls are jammed.

As Lotor flies in, the five robots try to form Voltron. With a quick laser blast, Lotor hits the Black Lion, causing the princess to pass out. Black Lion falls to the ground. Keith screams her name, but to no avail. All Lotors ships converge on the Blue Lion, thinking the Princess is in the cockpit.

Blue Lion flies at Lotor, firing missiles and water blasts. With his ship crippled, Lotor heads back to his new base and calls off the attack.

Back in the castle, we see Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith heading toward the control room. Allura is following behind, with shame covering her face. She knew she made a critical mistake.

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