Chapter 1- What

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Gajeel POV- After coming back from Tenrou island i realised i had feeling for bunny girl or Lucy.

I really wanted her to accept me because Levy broke my heart.


Gajeel POV- When me and Levy were looking for Master Mavis's grave. I finailly decided to tell Levy about my towards her.

"Levy, can i ask ya somethin'" i asked akwardly, i scratched the back of my neck.

"yeah sure" she told me, "um, well, will you please go out with me" i said, Levy froze on the spot. "i'm sorry Gajeel but i can't i like someone else" she said, guilt in her voice.

"okay, not that i really care anyway" i said, even though i telling a lie, i could hear my heart shatter.

*Flashback Ends*

Lucy POV- I was in the middle of talking to my team mates of Team Natsu. When Gajeel came up to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the guild.

"oi, bunny girl, i was wondering if you wanted to train with me for the Grand Magic Games, i can teach hand-to-hand combat, plus some moves. It would also be easier to train since your gonna be some where more quiet without Natsu, Gray or Erza around. If you want i can get Panterlily to teach you swordsmanship. Don't you agree" he asked me. It was a good offer.

"okay when and where do we meet for the training" i asked.

"meet at the train station at 5 to 7 this afternoon. So you have almost 4 hours to get stuff sorted out, later" with that said Gajeel started making his own way home.

I headed to the guild to tell Team Natsu that i was going to train with Gajeel and Panterlily somewhere else. I opened the doors and i saw Natsu and a naked Gray fight, while Erza was eating her cake peacefully.

"hey Natsu, Gray, Erza can i tell you something for a sec please" i shouted at them. "yeah sure Lucy" Erza replied.

"i'm going train with Gajeel and Pantherlily, for the GMG is that alright" i asked. "yeah but why Gajeel" Gray asked, stopping his fight with Natsu, again. "well it would be easier to concentrate without Natsu and Gray fighting all the time, plus Pantherlily might also help me with using swords. Gajeel also offered me help with hand-to-hand combat" i said worriedly.

"when are you leaving" Gray asked me. "we're meeting up at 5 to 7 at the train station" i scratched the back of my head.

"okay just be careful" "i will bye i need to get packing" with that i waved them goodbye. Running to my home on Strawberry Street.

"open gate of the maiden, Virgo" i called. After a puff of smoke Virgo appeared and said "punishment princess" with sparkles in her eyes.

"never" i yelled back, but not too loud. 'i swear i getting creeped out by Virgo and her punishments.

"can you help me with packing and when you return to the Spirit World can in form each of my spirits that i might possibly summon them to help me with my training with Gajeel for Grand Magic Games that are coming thanks" i smiled at her after calming down.

After we finished packing the things that i'll need for training and the GMG, i had Virgo store my things, except the food, i decided that it would be best if i kept that for the ride.

I walked to the train station and half way there i summoned Plue for company.

We got to the train station at 10 to 7. I noticed Gajeel wasn't here yet though.

Then Gajeel poped out of nowhere.

"hey" i yelped and jumped in suprise. He smirked at my reaction, oh just how much i wanted to smack that smirk off of his face.

"i got some train tickets, we're gonna to the mountains to train, it would be easier to increase our strenght. Comin' bunny girl" i nodded as his answer. He smirked once again.

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