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"Y/N COULD YOU COME DOWN for a moment please?" your mother called out, making you look up from your phone as you sighed

you really didn't wanna get out of bed right now, but you knew that if you didn't haul your ass to the kitchen soon she would come looking for you. so, you stood up from your bed and stretched, sighing at the way your back cracked when you did.

as you made your way downstairs you heard your mother going through some things, most likely her work documents or the mail that's been piling up. when she heard you enter the kitchen, she smiled as you made your way over to where she stood, sitting down on one of the barstools as your softly smiled back

"well at least you don't look dead today" she said, pushing a plate of fruit in front of you ( im craving fruit rn lollll )

you picked a strawberry off the plate as you laughed softly, making your mother's smile brighten. though you wouldn't say it out loud seeing her smile that bright made you feel slightly better about yourself.

"so why'd you call me down?" you asked looking at your mother as you ate more fruit off of the plate

she looked back at you and giggled before going into the living room, leaving you sitting on the barstool with confusion written all over your face. before you could ask why she giggled the way she did, she came back with a box tucked under her arm.

you were about to ask what it was when she shushed you suddenly; "so, as you know, you're doing a recital and you were casted as the sugar plum fairy" she started, making you even more confused than you were. though that confusion quickly went away and was replaced with excitement when your mother placed a box down in front of you.

a box with the name of a costume shop on it, the same costume shop you knew your ballet studio bought from every time you had a recital, you looked at your mother as you smiled, then you pulled the box closer to you.

you lifted the lid off the box and looked inside, and as you suspected, your sugar plum fairy costume had come.

━━━ ★

"hey marcy" you said, dropping your bag on the ground as you walked over to where the nurse stood

she looked up from the clipboard she held in her hands and smiled at you; "hello y/n! glad to have you back" she said in her overly chipper voice

in response, you hummed, looking around the twins' room. it was surprisingly neat, you noted. their toys weren't laying around and their beds were made, the room had a faint smell on disinfectant lingering around it still and they were nowhere to be seen

"where's momo and sana?" you asked, looking at her

"oh they've been sick for the past few days so we moved them to monitor them, but they've been feeling better so we're going to move them back later today, there isn't much to do really, but if you want to stay feel free to do so" she explained to you, making you hum and nod

then her pager went off, she apologised quickly as she left the room, leaving you to occupy yourself.

━━━ ★

"hey girls" you said, entering the hospital room marcy told you the twins were in

after she left when her pager went off, you stayed in the room, occupying yourself with your notes for your final year of school. the room was quiet, and normally you would appreciate that, but the room was too quiet.

when you studied at the hospital before, there was always chaos in the background, though you didn't like it at first cause you really needed to focus, but you've gotten used to the sound of the girls giggling as katsuki entertained them, and you got used to the girls repeating katsuki's cuss words when he accidentally let them slip out

but now, the quiet was uncomfortable. it was suffocating. so, instead you closed your books and waited for marcy to come back and lucky for you, it didn't take long for her to come back, though when she did, you immediately knew something was wrong.

and that'd brought you here, standing by the door of a bland hospital room as you visited the twins

"y/n! hello, is katty with you?" sana asked, her smile bright as she got off her bed and made her way over to you, looking out the door to see if she could see the blonde male.

you sighed and smiled softly, picking her up and bringing her back to her bed, hearing katsuki's name hurt you, though you weren't about to tell a 5 year old that

"not today honey, but he'll come visit you both real soon" you told her, making her hum as she diverted her attention back to the cartoon she was watching

"okay, because we miss him alot" sana said

and even though you wouldn't admit this out loud, you missed him as well

━━━ ★

that night you laid awake, unable to sleep as your thoughts spiralled about everything that happened leading up to this very moment. you thought about your very first encounter with the blonde, as well as your very last.

you thought about what you would do and how would you react if he managed to make his way out of prison, you wondered if you would still have feelings for him if he did, and you wondered if you would be allowed to be with him if you did.

you had so many questions you had to ask him, you realised as your eyes drifted over to the letter that he had sent you, laying on your desk face down as an attempt to ignore the words that were messily displayed on the page.

you got up from your bed, shivering at the coldness in your room as you made your way over to your desk, you moved katsuki's letter and grabbed your notebook, flipping to a clean page as you picked up your pen. then you began writing.

━━━ ★

kinda short soz 

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