Chapter 17: Camp 98.7 Part 2, Zombie Attack, Brett Vs Uzi!

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Authors note: HOLY SHIT, WERE NUMBER 2 ON NXV, this is crazy and the only op I got is "Don't Leave Me" by Super Trexation so when you read this, tell Super Trexation I'M GOING TO TAKE SUPER TREXATION'S SPOT IN NUMBER 1, GOT IT! also thanks for 600 reads, this means a lot to me and if I get 1000 reads by the end of the week, I'm going to SCREAM! anyways, back to the story.

Uzi's POV (before the shark incident)

I find a three story cabin and I try to get inside but there was a lock. So I just used my absolute Solver to break the lock and I enter the cabin. This cabin was pretty dark so I take a flashlight out of my backpack to explore this cabin. I walk around and then I found a calendar on the ground so I pick it up with my Absolute Solver and I learn from this calendar that the dogs are safe and I sigh in relief. Just then I hear a noise and I see a claw for a second and I start to breath a little louder and I then here screams so I just look out of the window to see everyone enjoying themselves, including the DAMN DRONES THAT MURDER OUR KIND! but they are my friends so I couldn't care any less until I saw V leave and Brett following her and also a DAMN SHARK coming from the lake and saw T, N and E battling it.

Uzi's POV(after the shark incident)

That fight with the Shark was so DAMN AWESOME! I then hear something and it was V.

V: Tick Tock.

Brett: NO!

V: What.

V: Yo purple thing, you said that this place could help with what's wrong with you.

V then comes up to me with her claw right above my chin.

V: More explorey, less watching form window creepy.

Uzi: But there was this shark that came from the lake you guys were and E, N, and T took it down, it was insane.

Brett: A SHARK! aw man, BECAUSE of YOU V, I missed it.

V: What are Shark Drones doing here in Copper-9?

Uzi: What do you mean by that?

V: Nothing, come Brett, let's go.

Brett: Okay, Uzi... Good luck.

Uzi: Thanks.

The two leave the cabin and I then rip apart of the floor and see a dead worker and I find couple of papers from JCJENSON which were not that important. I then see a green bug on me and I try to hit but miss and It scans me and says

Green bug: Cabin fever labs.

Green bug: GO TO ELEVATOR!

(tbh, I don't feel like copy and pasting the transcript of this scene so this all from my mind.)

Uzi: Elevator?

Greenbug: I'm going into your Beanie now.

The bug then crawls into my beanie.

Uzi: Okay, that was... something.

Uzi: Got to tell the others.

I then leave the cabin to find the others.

Third Person POV

The students and the five counselors are currently doing archery or something idk, while V and Lizzy are on the roof of another cabin of some sorts watching. When it was Brett's turn, since he is like actually crazy with his aim. He gets a bullseye the first try.

T: Damn, first try.

Darren: Sick.

Lizzy: Damn, he's good.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now