Ready to be Saved

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Jisoo is staring outside, its raining. Her gazes are steady but her heart is unsteady and hectic. She is been captive here for seven days, in these days, she tried her best to flee. But every single thing is against her, the people, the maids and everyone she noticed is always virulent with her like she is an unwanted guest. Especially the Queen, she treats her very badly and behaves rude. It hurts Jisoo more when she experiences that people are treating her like she is invisible.

But, she conquered something, she is in danger cause she is now inside her enemy kingdom, Ashenvale and Jungkook is a kind of person that doesn't give a fuck to think about people's life, he is more of a selfish and virulent kind of person to whom taking people's life is just a piece of cake.

She looked at the wall-clock. It's already 5 o'clock, the time of Jungkook's arrival. Everyday, Jungkook comes here in the room to check on Jisoo. He doesn't talk, he just sits on the couch, glances at her four or three times and then leaves, he does the same everyday and there remains an uneasy silence beteen Jungkook and Jisoo. Neither him nor her talks with each other. Jisoo doesn't talk because she hates him, and Jungkook doesn't talk because......... who knows?

Jungkook entered the room, Jisoo isn't interested or surprised at all. Jungkook sat on the couch just like everyday putting on the same tough look and steady gazes. He stood up suddenly and went near Jisoo. "Your brother sent letters for you, reply him," he said in a cold tone taking out a letter from his blazer's pocket and handing her the letter. Jisoo looked at him in disbelief. She became happy for a second but her happiness vanished when Jungkook uttered, "I'm letting you reply him that doesn't mean I am letting you tell him the truth! Just reply him that you're all fine and I'm taking good care of you, or else, I'll cut your Romeo's throat." Jisoo sighed and nodded.

She started reading, "Dear Jisoo, I'm your Seokjin oppa. I hope you're alright cause Jungkook must be taking good care of you. You are very confused right now, I know, but don't worry everything's gonna be fine soon. Taehyung and his mother are really planning something big, and after I figure it out you will be right back in Seraphel."

Taking good care? Huh? Oppa is totally blinded by him. He lied and cheated oppa. Oppa is now thinking that Taehyung is the culprit, but the reality is totally different. Jisoo let out a tear from her eye thinking of all the negative circumstances.

"I don't have time for any k-dramas, just reply him soon so that I can check it, I am busy, I have to go," Jungkook said making Jisoo flinched.

She just wrote a normal letter, just as normal as she could, saying that she is totally fine and Jungkook is taking a really good care. Huh! What a lie!

"Good!" Jungkook chuckled while checking what she wrote in the letter. He then left the place just like he came here.
Jungkook is going to visit another neighbour Kingdom of him, so he will be disappeared from Jisoo's eyes for days. But he warned her not to think of running away because the security is more strict than before. But still, Jungkook's absence is a sigh of relief for Jisoo and it means a lot to her.
Jisoo woke up after having a small nap. She went to the washroom to freshen her up, after freshening up, she stood near the big mirror and started brushing her hair. She was totally absent-mind. But she heard noise coming from the balcony. Is someone trying to enter the room? Jisoo gulped down. "W-who is t-there?" she said being frightened.

Jisoo's heart beat and skipped after seeing a person entering the room and it's none other than TAEHYUNG! Wasting no time, she ran towards him, hugged him tightly and broke down with tears. Taehyung hugged her back making her all him and feeling her to his heart. "Where have you been? I missed you! Did he do something bad to you! Tell me!" she asked him being totally distracted while checking him up to bottom. There are many cuts in his face and all over his body. This totally show how much torture he had gone through and how much pain he had to bear. Jisoo started caressing the areas where he got injuries.

"Shhh.., I'm totally fine, I'm alright! Stop crying," Taehyung said while calming her down. He looked at the room's door which is open. He gestured Jisoo to close the door. Jisoo did as he said.
"Now, tell me are you ok?" Jisoo uttered again placing her hands on Taehyung's cheek. "I am all fine Jisoo, just keep silent," Taehyung sighed and said. He kissed Jisoo's forehead and caressed her cheeks. Jisoo eyes closed as he kissed her forehead. Her eyes are still dropping tears, but the tears are not of fears, these are happiness and euphoria. Taehyung hugged her tightly seeing her cry again. "Love?" Taehyung called Jisoo. "Hmm," Jisoo replied. "You don't have feel afraid, cause I'm here, love. No one can ever hurt you again," Taehyung said while he cupped her cheeks. "Get ready and pack all of your belongings. Jimin will be coming in any minute. When he will come we will be able to run away, I'll save you from this hell, Jisoo, I promise," Taehyung said as his voice is full of love, care responsibility and worries. He pulled Jisoo more closer by her waist, much closer than before. Their forehead touched with each other making their breaths fight together. Taehyung lifted up Jisoo's chin slightly with his palm. And their lips touched making each other's heart beat fast, breathing abnormally and closing their eyes out of presentiment.

But their kiss was not longer cause they were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, revealing the most common face of every incident.

"So? Done kissing?" Jungkook said raising his left eyebrow. "It's good that you're making out in this hour, but forgetting about me wasn't a good option, was it?" Jungkook said smirking while approaching towards them one by one step. "I knew that you would come to save your Juliet when you heard the news of my going out of the kingdom, that's why I canceled the visit. Good, isn't it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

Jisoo gulped down as she knows that what is going to be happen next. Jungkook now looks like he's calm. But not that calm, he's calm like the calm environment that occurs before the dangerous disasters. She hold Taehyung more tightly. But Taehyung, there is no sign of him being frightened of him Rather, his grip on Jisoo's hand tightened. He is ready for every circumstances to happen.

"No, no! No need to be rushed at all. You can time thinking about whether you wanna go to heaven or hell," Jungkook said sitting on the coach resting his back.

"There's no need to think foolish, cause you're not the one who will decide our fate!" Taehyung retorted.

"Well said, well said! I appreciate that!" Jungkook said but he went pissed off. Everytime Taehyung talks like that, he becomes angry. What Taehyung said is true, but Jungkook just can't tolerate him.

"I don't know what are you up to. But just leave us alone, we will not be seen around you from now on," Taehyung uttered.

"What about Seokjin? I've already convinced him and he hates you because of your identity!" Jungkook said trying to win over Taehyung.

"Do you think he will be untold about your identity?" Taehyung said again winning over Jungkook's words.

This time, Jungkook got totally mad and pissed off. He all of a sudden turned the table that was placed before him making Jisoo flinched and scared. This is how much he hates and can't tolarate him.

"Nobody can dream to be free from my cage who had been targeted. And who are you to think that you can be just free without feeling any consequences, impossible Taehyung!" Jungkook said grinning his teeth.

He only stepped one towards Taehyung and Jisoo. But couldn't, as he felt someone hit his head hard from behind and he fell on the ground. He felt intolerable pain and groaned. The next few seconds, he saw everything blurry and then senseless.

"Damn! That was close!" Jimin let out a big sigh of relief as he could finally stop Jungkook from killing Taehyung. He kept the rod in one corner of the room.
"Jimin!" Taehyung's eyes sparkled as also Jisoo's. "You saved us bro, though I was planning to do something by myself," Taehyung said. "Whatever it is, just do it fast! If we are late, then it will be the very big mistake!" Jimin said while being hurried.
"And I'm ready to be saved."-Jisoo
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