No Rest for the Restless

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He's always had a knack for these sorts of things. Even back home- no, especially back home, he loved to attend these parties.

Well... perhaps not these parties.

In Eorzea, people - some of them - were not as... uptight, as the citizens of Sharlayan were. Their heads were always held high, noses to the sky, hands behind their backs or graciously holding a chalice filled with gods knows what-

There would be charming, elegant music in Sharlayan, which only the most elite would be allowed to hear. There would be delectable foods and drinks, and intelligent conversations to be had, all of which Alisaie's brother had always partook in - minus some more adult beverages at the time.

Eorzea was.. different. It was more... carefree. More enjoyable, more fun, more.. her taste. But... this wasn't Eorzea, she had to remind herself. No, this was the First, this was Norvrandt. A world that wasn't her own, but one that she's grown to love all the same.

And even though the parties and celebrations here were similar to those in Eorzea... it didn't sit right with Alisaie.

Blue eyes were locked on Alphinaud from a distance, watching as he so easily mingled with the people of the Crystarium, as if nothing was the matter. As if one victory had solved the whole of it.

Yes, they did have a victory under their belts. The night sky had again returned to Lakeland after years here. It was progress, yes. The Warriors of Light - or the Warriors of Darkness, rather, as was more appropriate here - had yet again cut down another horrid foe. The Miqo'te siblings had fought side by side as always, one donning his shimmering greatsword, the other her planisphere which bore a kind likeness to Urianger's. They were truly a sight to behold... they could've done it alone, Alisaie knew. Still, she was honored to fight alongside them, the people she so confidently called her friends- no.. her family. Not that she would ever admit that out loud, though...

While this was all well and good, the fact remained: only one small area of Norvrandt was saved from the everlasting plight of devastating light.

So why was everyone celebrating so much?

They deserved rest, she wasn't denying them that rare luxury. She just- agh, seeing everyone so carelessly happy for literal hours, while they could be out actually doing something was devastating her. Partying like this wasn't- rest. Not physical, anyway. And they all needed it! Taling down the Lightwarden took it out of Maliha and Caiden... and everyone else too, of course. They needed sleep so they could keep going! But no, everyone was just-!

"My, Alisaie, should you keep that frown upon your face any longer, I may begin to wonder if I had hallucinated our victory..!"

The Elezen girl gasped, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against and quickly turning her head, only to see the Crystal Exarch, his hood remaining mysteriously over his head, only his light smile visible on his face. Why keep his identity a mystery, she still wondered every time she laid eyes upon him. It was impossible to even tell his race..! She assumed Hyur, but well... that too remained an uncertainty.

Alisaie huffed quietly, returned to her former position against the wall, crossing her arms across her chest as.. she's often seen Caiden do. It was impressive how many things she has subconsciously picked up from her companions.. What could she say? She- looked up to them.

"...What troubles you, friend..?" The overseer of the Crystarium asked upon not receiving an initial reply from her.

Again, Alisaie's eyes came to rest on her brother. He was talking, smiling, hands held respectfully behind his back despite this being a significantly more relaxed environment than their home. "...How is everyone so calm?" She ended up mumbling, for a moment attempting to look for Caiden and Maliha, but in this spot, and due to the crowd, the task was nearly impossible, so she stopped after a mere three seconds. "Everyone is- acting like everything, everywhere, is fine! It's-.. it's not..!" She said, eyes narrowing slightly, sinking a bit into herself, gaze falling to the floor.

The Exarch slowly leaned against the wall beside the young red mage, his staff held firmly in his right hand like always, gazing out at his people from under his hood. "...You must understand the amount of time that the people of the Crystarium have prayed for this monumentous day... You, as I do believe, have shared these peoples' hopes..! The world, shrouded in a light that kills.."

"Yes, I do share that hope! More than you'd be inclined to believe, but I-!"

Though the Exarch was keen on continuing, so, with any repercussions clear in his mind but willing to endure them, he spoke over Alisaie. "And these people are finally seeing these wonders for the first time since the Flood. I know you have spent years here right with them... and I am not at all trying to discount your experiences, but.. at your home on the Source, you have the luxury of seeing the twinkle of the stars in a dark sky every night. These people.. do not have that beautiful opportunity. Not until now. Pray allow them as long as they need to express their joy, relief, and ease.."

Alisaie opened her mouth to immediately retort, but just sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "...I-... I know... I know, I do. I suppose it's.. not them that I'm.. irritated with," she mumbled, squeezing slightly at her arms.

The Exarch followed Alisaie's gaze, spotting the subject of her ambiguous statement. "..Your brother?" He questioned, looking back to the female Leveilleur.

The question was followed by a tiny, curt nod. Surely Thancred would be smacking some sense into Alphinaud-.. no, no.. Thancred would likely be drinking with everyone. Urianger would- maybe say something? Or Y'shtola? But it didn't matter, they weren't here. They were probably off fighting the fight that they should be fighting too!

"I see..."

Alisaie waited for more without looking at the shrouded leader, but when he said nothing else, she looked again at him- only to no longer see him. Her eyes widened, body straightening and looking around. Where did-? Agh.. oh, whatever...

"Fine.. I'll do something if you don't want to.. if you're more- content with just standing around pretending everything is right and just in this world.." the girl mumbled to herself, pushing herself again away from the wall and taking firm, determined steps in the direction of the suites that housed them during their long stay in Norvrandt. She-.. she would return to Ahm Araeng. She herself would save and protect the people there. For-.. for Tesleen...

Though she was unaware of the eyes that were on her ask she left the scene of celebration. Unaware of how her brother's heart panged in worry when he saw her retreat. Unaware of how he dismissed himself from the conversation he was in to follow her- and both twins unaware of the eyes of two other certain siblings' eyes on them as well.

"...Think they're okay?"

"When she wanders off like that, and without telling him? What do you think?"

"Mm.. sounds like you when you're pissed at me, Mali."

"Mhm. C'mon, let's go."


Here is a picture of the Warriors of Light! Caiden on the left, Maliha on the right, Miqo'te siblings!

Here is a picture of the Warriors of Light! Caiden on the left, Maliha on the right, Miqo'te siblings!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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