Chapter 1. Rumors

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It was another freezing day on Copper-9, and y/n (Ajax), was a Worker Drone who didn't live in a colony. Certain Worker Drones lived in colonies, or so he had heard, where they hid behind these huuuge doors, but not him. He always stayed outside.

A couple years back, when he was about 8, there was a mass murdering, and everyone in their small town had evacuated. It wasn't because of some stupid Murder Drones or whatever. Something about some Mom who went crazy and killed some people with 'Magic Hands', I guess.

Murder Drones never attacked their little group. He knew this because he lived there when he was a little Ajax. Ajax was minding his own businesses, exploring the planet like usual. He was always cautious not to stray too far from where his previous home was. He still enjoyed it there, despite it being a barren wasteland by now.

Suddenly, Ajax spotted a drone running as fast as they could from one direction. This caught his attention, and he stopped the drone in his tracks.

"Hey, Heyy! What's wrong?" Ajax asked him in a calm manner. He never really got the chance to talk to any drones.

"M-Murder Drones..-! They're- they're after me!" The drone replied. He sounded paranoid, and he was obviously a couple years older than Ajax. He sighed.

"You don't need to worry about those things, they won't bother ya! Besides, all the Murder Drones migrated away from here years ago!" He reassured the paranoid drone.

The drone shook his head. "Your wrong.. your oh-so terribly wrong... I saw them with my own eyes! Fashionista Twins I tell you, Fashionista Twins!!" The drone said this frantically, shaking Ajax by his shoulders.

Ajax shoved him off of his shoulders, wiped them off and shrugged. "And who calls themselves the; Fashionista Twins, anyways? Honestly, are you sure your not just being delusional?" Ajax inquired.

"I'm not mental!" The drone said, clearly enraged by Ajax's words. "Go into that mall and see for yourself!!"

Ajax chuckled from the older drones annoyance of him. "Alright then, if you say so." He said, walking past the drone with a shrug.

"That drones gonna regret that decision.." The older drone muttered, before he ran away into the snow..

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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