Chapter 19: Love and Affection

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Warning: There is smut between N and V, Skip this chapter if you don't like, otherwise, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!


Me, K and T enter a cabin were going to sleep in tonight. Uzi already chose her cabin and Brett and Thad are going to sleep in the same cabin, and also V have found that only the two of them will be in.

E: God, the amount of cum that's going to be in N and V's cabin is going to be as huge as a earthquake once N finds his way back here.

I then get a slapped in the face by K.

K(blushing): W-would you e-ever s-stop being dirty and c-cock-.

E: You want my c-

I then get hard punch in the face by T.

T: HOLY shit, shut up before I go Berserk T.

E: Okay, okay, chill.

k: God, your impossible E.

E: I know.

K: Stop being cocky.

E: Fine, only for you.

K:(blushing) S-shut up.

E then hugs K and kisses her by the cheek while T had already had shut himself down for the night. (I know they sleep during the day but they have a busy day tomorrow, pacifically Brett and T. T's second form or his berserk form is immune to the sunlight and Brett is a worker Drone.

K kisses me back on the lips an they have a passionate kiss with their tongues touching. We finish the kiss and finally shut down for the night.

Uzi's POV

Brett has already gone to sleep and Thad is just fiddling with his cap as usual. Then Thad askes me something kind of shocking but not really.

Thad(blushing): c-can I-I k-kiss you?

Thad(blushing): I know you don't feel the same about me b-

Thad was then cut off with me kissing Thad by the lips and Thad kisses me back. After like a minute, we break the kiss and I say to Thad.

Uzi: Thad, this is a one time thing only.

Thad: Okay.

We go to our separate beds and shut down for the night.


I reach the campsite with a VHS tape in my hand and retract my wings and I went to look for the others then I see a figure on a cabin, I then noticed... it was V, she looked kind of sad so I went to her to check up on her. I then sat next to her and said.

N: Yo, you uh alright?

V: I'm not.

N: Why?

V: Brett probably hates me and Thad is back-


V: Wait, let me finish, E and K are now dating.


V: Yeah, I know but it's true.

N: Make sense actually.

V: What?

N: So, for the last 16 years now, E has been saying that he didn't like K anymore but it was obvious by his tone and I'm happy that K accepted E and are now together.

V: Yeah I guess, I also kind of want to tell you something.

N: What is it V?

V(blushing): I-I want t-to have s-sex w-with y-you!

N(blushing): I-I-I uh sure we can have sex!

V(blushing): REALLY!?

N(blushing): Yeah-

V then hugs me tight and says

V(blushing): T-thank you.

N(blushing): No problem.

V then drags me into a cabin and pins me down on a bed and takes off all my clothes and then when she takes off my boxers, my Metal rod pounces out of my confinement.

V(blushing): How have you been able to hide this big boy ~From me N~

V then takes off her camp uniform but doesn't take her bra off and panties.

V then throw's her camp uniform on the ground and she starts stroking my metal Dick.

N(blushing): What a-are you doing?

V(blushing): Don't like it.

N(blushing) It's n-not that but-

V then just keep stroking my dick and I moan her name in pleasure until I'm reaching my climax.

N(blushing): I-I'm about reach my climax.

V knew what I meant and kept stroking my dick until I finally reached my climax.

N(blushing): That felt good.

V(blushing): ~Wait until we get to the main part~

I couldn't wait for the main part until V suddenly sucks my dick. I don't say anything but I just moan her name in pleasure until I get close to my climax.

N(blushing): V, I'm about to cum.

V(blushing): Do it, all inside my mouth, I want to taste it.

After a little bit, I reach my climax and V shallows all my semen and says

V(blushing): Your semen tastes amazing.

N(blushing): Heh.

I then flip V over now I'm on top of V and I was about to unclasp her bra until she said.

V(blushing): I don't have big breasts.

N(blushing): I don't care about how big your melons are, they all taste the same. I then unclasp her bra revealing her breasts and I hold the lift breast while I suck the right breast and I hear her moan my name in pleasure. After a bit of sucking on her breast, I stop and move down to her crotch and removes her panties to reveal her wet pussy, I start licking it and she starts moaning my name and I keep licking until she shot her pussy juice into my mouth and I swallow it and it tasted good.

N(blushing): Your pussy juice tastes amazing.

V(blushing): T-thank you.

N(blushing): Shall we get to the main part.

V(blushing): Yeah.

N(blushing): This may hurt so just endure the pain, alright.

V(blushing): Okay.

I slide my dick into V's Pussy and then she winced in paining saying.

V(blushing): It hurts like a lot!

N(blushing): Do you want me to take it out?

V(blushing): No, leave it then start slowly.

N(blushing) Okay.

I wait for a bit until I start slowly thrusting V and then later I speed up the pace and soon I had V in shambles and I was about to reach my climax.

N(blushing): I'm about to cum!

V(blushing): Me too N.

We both cum together and then I remove my dick from her pussy and we lie in bed together and I say to V

N(blushing): I love you V.

V(blushing): I love you too N.

We then shut down for the night naked!

966 words

(Also thank you guys for over 700 reads)

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